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Last year I asked Vlingo (I'm on Android) "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie roll pop?" While I didn't get the answer from the commercials I was floored when it actually gave me the answer from some research on the matter that a college had conducted.

May have to look at this. The never-ending flakiness of Grooveshark's Android app has me looking for another home. Not sure why people go ga-ga over Spotify so much.

Agreed. The only changes I was expecting was improving the power of the internals (which they did) and redesigning the case a bit - nothing dramatic but at least losing the stupid glass on the back. This whole push to uber-thinness gets counter-productive after a point IMO - although I expect iPhone 5 will be 1mm

Agreed. I like our iPad but the 7" screen size is ideal for what most people seem to use tablets for IMO (i.e., web browsing, Facebook, etc.) We have a Nook Color and I much prefer the size of it. You can hold it with one hand, thumb-type in portrait layout, but you never really feel cramped for space.

I hear ya on your split decision on Android. The wonkiness can drive you nuts sometimes.

Android has its quirks, but I like the efficiency you can gain through customizing things to your needs. iOS is just so regimented that I'm not sure I could live with it . . . at least not as a phone OS. In another year though WP might be able to tempt me.

One caveat no one ever mentions on the CDMA phones not doing voice/date simultaneously is that it WILL do it if you're in a wifi coverage area (i.e., home/work/etc.) Honestly though, I can count on 2 fingers the number of times I've needed simultaneous voice/data over all my years of smartphone ownership. GPS used

Agreed. I'm not an Apple fanboy, but I don't know what people were expecting. This is an increasingly mature product line (and industry as a whole) so the leaps are rarely going to be that big anymore.

With the current lack of apps for Honeycomb not having it isn't that big a loss for 1st gen Tab owners actually. One of the nice things about Android 2.x is that most apps scale up to higher resolutions wonderfully so while you're 'limited' to phone apps they still look/work really well. Maybe once ICS comes out

Sadly, the Flickr ship has sailed for me. Along with Delicious (which I still use) it was probably my favorite of the Web 2.0 site era.

Agreed wholeheartedly. We have both an iPad and Nook Color in our house. The iPad is great. The kids love the kiddie apps. My wife loves the simplicity. But when it's not running kiddie apps all its really used for is surfing the web/Facebook/Twitter from the couch. And while I have our Nook Color nerded-out

The only thing that's going to limit the number of Fire units they sell this holiday season is how many they're able to produce. They've absolutely crushed it out the park with this pricing. I don't NEED one, but at $199 it's almost hard not to get one.

I'm sure the iPads will still sell well. But at this price point you're making tablet devices (from a brand/ecosystem people know/trust) MUCH more accessible. These are going to sell like hotcakes.

I can't help but think the rumors from the last few days are really just a re-hash of the previous rumors that they'll be releasing a larger (10") more powerful (quad-core) version later on. If that's the case I wouldn't sweat it. At $199 with Amazon's infrastructure behind it this is pretty much a fantastic deal.

I honestly don't use my Nook Color that much differently than my iPad. Surf the web, Facebook/Twitter, Netflix, etc. The iPad has more apps for sure and the kids love it because of that. But to me, they're both just tablets. And a $199 tablet (that'll probably sell like hotcakes and have great app/developer

I like my Nook Color and everything but at this price point they're going to have an absolute runaway hit on their hands this holiday season. Instant marketshare, developer attention, etc.

Definitely one of my favorite features of Android. Even though Google's really polished up their on-device Market interface it's just so much easier to do things via full desktop browser when you're already at your computer.

Will be shocked if it has Netflix - at least anywhere near release. However, Amazon will no doubt be touting their own Netflix-like service (which isn't as good but is getting better.)

I presume his sources were from Cupertino?

Back? I never stopped using Still the most useful of the Web 2.0 wave of sites IMO and the ultimate search engine if you're looking for anything of a geek/tech nature.