
Ironically was just crooning along to Far Away Eyes on my drive home.

Well done sir

I think for MS/Apple that definitely appears to be the case. In Microsoft's case they just appear to be a classic bureaucracy. In Apple's case I think it's because they're so fixated on doing just a handful of things really well (although IMO iTunes stands out like a sore thumb for a company that prides itself so

I have to hand it to Facebook for one thing, they're fearless. Most companies with a userbase in the hundreds of millions grind to a virtual halt when it comes to major changes to core products. iTunes in 2011 isn't that different than it was a decade ago. Google search results? Same thing. But Facebook? They

I love the dichotomy of the mobile world. "Here's 4G! You'll be able to download things faster than ever before! And look at all these multimedia apps! Just try not to use it much m'kay?"

Not sure I buy the concept of this being 'better' for most people, but these are the things that pull us along and help the technology get fine-tuned over time. If the tablet/phone is the main screen you're using (with TV in the background) I can definitely see it coming into play. But if the TV is your main

Sadly, this is tech news.

*starts slow clap*

Functionality-wise I think the ribbon-interface is fantastic and was arguably one of the biggest UI redesign gambles ever taken when you consider how massive the legacy user-base was for Office (where it was first rolled out en masse.) It beats the hell out of toolbars and digging through deeper menus to get to a

I'm not going to write it off until I play it. While I didn't like the consoliness of Thief 3 (although I'll ironically probably play Thief 4 on the Xbox) I still liked it far better than any other 'stealth' games that have come out since. And Shalebridge Cradle alone was worth the price of admission.

I'm trying to avoid Deus Ex for as long as possible. I know as soon as I start it I'll begin salivating for Thief 4 (same developer and the reviews make it sound like the stealth elements in Deus Ex are almost like it's the developers testing ground for Thief.)

Just give WebOS a glorious viking funeral and be done with it already

They do. But take me for example - granted I'm talking audiobooks here, but the comparison's the same as I also read ePub books from the library as well. I just got into the whole 'Song of Ice and Fire' series and finished up the audiobook of 'Game of Thrones.' For the next audiobook I can indeed reserve it and

In a way they have this now (at least for audiobooks) via Audible - although it's certainly nowhere near as cost-efficient from a bang-for-buck perspective as Netflix IMO. Then again, as person #13 on the waiting list for one of the 3 digital copies of my local library's audiobook copy of 'A Clash of Kings' my

They actually both have pretty sizable ad networks and Yahoo still has massive real-world reach even if their mindshare/brand isn't as strong as it once was. That said there's a lot of overlap so I'm not sure why they'd do it.

People knocking it for its specs need to remember that the original iPad isn't exactly going to wow anyone in this regard either - yet for day-to-day usage the difference between it and the much stronger-spec'd iPad 2 is hardly perceptible. Both are highly responsive. If Amazon fine tune's the system enough it

6-12 months ago this would've been a bigger deal to me. But now . . . not so much. It used to be seemingly half the movies I watched were Starz content. But nowadays it's maybe 1 out of every 5 at best.

Agreed. Nobody LIKES a price hike, but when it was ridiculously underpriced (IMO) already and is still (IMO) a great deal it's tough to complain.

If HP isn't comfortable with their tight margins on the consumer PC business I doubt they're going to change that opinion and accept tight margins on the consumer tablet business. To believe they would requires stretching the quote of a divisional head whose division is disappearing.

I just hope Amazon was taking pricing notes. We know $99 isn't going to happen. But if they could manage to hit $199 they're looking at Wii launch-like sales volume/demand.