
Alas, I do not have any. But I'm a bit of a jock and have had pretty much every variation of athletic/wicking/etc material over the years and they all share this trait. And at least a shirt/shorts gets the benefit of a washing between each use. Assuming you only change your sheets weekly (at best) I'm guessing

Indeed. iTunes was what made the iPod, not the other way around. Ironically it's also a classic example that Apple is no better (arguably worse) than Microsoft when it comes to dealing with innovation when you have to factor in a sizable legacy user base. iTunes hasn't changed that much since it's early days - and

Indeed. And I'm guessing they've never actually worn in of those moisture/temp/etc fabrics for very long either. They're great . . . for awhile. After awhile though there's a level of rankness that pervades them that you just can't wash out - unlike most basic cotton items.

Generally agreed. I seem them as far less innovative and more about polishing/stripping-down an existing technology to its bare essentials to make them more accessible.


Netflix and Facebook were actually talking about partnering recently until an old legal technicality jumped in the way. But between Facebook, Microsoft and Netflix there's a lot of overlap in their leadership and common competitors - and also probably enough lobbying power if they really want to try to push to remove

I assume so. Joe just wasn't snarky enough so that it was clear.

*takes a toke* Dude. That's pretty p... oh hold on, some guy named DaveNator just stole my mayorship of KFC

I prefer Android as a phone OS because a phone is a very personal device and to me personal = customized to my liking. But one hurdle they're going to have to overcome is the storage issue. More phones are finally coming with a decent amount of internal memory, but I remember at first being frustrated that I

After running Gingergread on the Nook I honestly don't think that's as big a loss as some people might make it out to be as there's not enough dedicated tablet apps on Honeycomb yet to make you feel like you're really missing out (i.e., no Flipboards, Zite, etc.) Most of the apps I've tried on the Nook upscale

Dibs on the holodeck

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight

Nah. That can't be real. Far too clear. If there's one thing we've learned from Instagram is that cool photos have to look like ass.

Was looking at this earlier today for my wife's upgrade this month (as this is pretty much the only QWERTY Android phone on VZW.) Feels nice, but IMO my nearly year-old Epic feels just as snappy and has a better screen/keyboard. Wish we could see a Sammy or HTC slider on VZW.

Agreed. I'm on CDMA, but it's the same thing. Weak signal = battery drains crazy fast.

Well that sucks. Sprint's still way cheaper than the competition overall, but it was a dick move when they first started charging for it (clearly for 4G/Clear) but then got called out by pissed off customers without 4G coverage - like me. The only solution is either drop the fee (yeah right) or just put the screws

I opted for 'Fuck IM' about 5yrs ago and never looked back. Couldn't be happier with the decision. Phone/TXT is always available for closer friends with my number. Work stuff can be routed through email where it can be weighted and responded to appropriately rather than requiring immediate action and killing

I meant non-4G phones on Sprint (although surely there's a few - I just haven't payed attention.)

Nissan Stanza (90-92 series.)

I'm assuming this still has to pay the officially unofficial $10 extra/month 4G fee though right? If so that pretty much rules it out cheapskates (although I honestly don't even know if they're releasing non-4G phones anymore.)