
In related news, cats are 93% more likely to use litter boxes than dogs.

I'll take one a 5-6" iPod XL (that runs iPhone/Pod apps) or a 7" iPad Mini please.

I think you have to be an iPerson (which pretty much 99% of the tech blogosphere appears to be) for it to be as momentous as everyone's making it out to be. And there are a few differences, mostly in terms of polish. But I agree, if Grooveshark were available for stock iOS we wouldn't be seeing this sort of fanfare.

Agreed. And by the time you add in another $35-$90 you're closing in on Galaxy Tab pricing (which is a notably quicker device IMO.)

I know I'll get blasted for saying this, but I almost sorta prefer the Nook in its stock state - at least until Android has a proper tablet OS that can run on it. I got one for my wife originally and immediately got CM7 setup on the SD card. But she just found it to be too much. She just wanted to be able to read

If you want to be a streaming company (and I say this as a loving customer and avid fan) FIX YOUR DAMN QUEUE SYSTEM! Households need to have the option to have multiple queues and/or the ability to tag things. Despite Adrian's complaints in the article I actually have found TONS of things I want to watch in the

I think they're finally starting to get it. The new bar on their desktop stuff is helping to serve as a good anchor for their efforts there. And they've finally taken their search results pages out of 1999 format and made them (IMO) much more attractive and useful.

Interesting read.

Pretty cool.

So basically . . . Sprint

Agreed. It's almost a joke how their 'events' match up quarterly like earning statements.

Just shrink one version of the damn thing down to a (IMO) more comfortable 7" form factor and the current resolution is more than fine. I like our iPad, but from a sheer usability standpoint much prefer the size of my wife's Nook Color. Easier to hold in the hand at various angles, easier typing, lighter weight, etc.

Not being able to see some sort of physical representation of how much you're spending also makes it that much easier to fall into debt - which more and more people are now doing. When you have cash there's a visual reinforcement every time you pay for something.

Yeah I went ahead and added the plan yesterday just to be safe. It was just a simple add-on to the existing plan. I figure it's worth the gamble since we'll be upgrading in August anyway - although I'm now tempted to just get a used phone off Craigslist and save the upgrade credit and the option to walkaway at any

I'm considering doing the same for my wife's plan and then upgrading her to an iPhone5 or Droid 3 when she can upgrade in August. But I wonder if they're actually going to require to you to use a tiered plan on all these newer devices? A lot of times they'll say you're grandfathered in, but cut out your upgrade path

It's not most nerds cup of tea, but for average joes now jumping into the smartphone world by the tens of millions I've actually started to respect the place of the custom UIs (even if I don't like all of them.) Vanilla Android's navigable, but still too raw/overwhelming for most people.

They were too busy planking to notice. Or is that a Bro-only thing like 'getting iced' was? Screw it. I'm going back to my un-hip corner of the world.

Cool. Now add some damn options for tagging/categorizing your queues already.

At this point I'm beginning to think Netflix/Hulu/etc just put the names of various devices released in the last 2 years into a jar, shake it and pull out 6 to develop for.