
Which is bullshit anyway because during slavery times there were White abolitionists, just like during Dustin Hoffman’s “different time” there were men who were openly against this sort of shit. This whole thing seems to be designed to say that we can only hold people to the standard of the shittier people from their

As punishment, Roy Moore had to write a 10 page essay about why it it wrong to touch 14-year-olds, before joining the Senate.

I can’t believe that you are linking to Amazon and therefore suggesting that people buy this trash. I don’t care how many juicy, greasy receipts Corey Lewandowski serves up, he’s a brutish, racist, sexist piece of trash who manhandled a reporter and did everything he could to get a white supremacist fool into office.

Really? Let’s crucify Moore and see if he rises from the dead, if so he’s got my vote.

Holy fucking shit that update. I audibly gasped. Christmas is coming early!

Even better, he’s prepared to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, and is prepared to serve as a witness against Trump and his family. Happy Friday everyone!

SING MIKEY SING!!!! I will personally drive a bus to DC for you to throw people under! Name all the names! DOOO ITTT.

Speaking of rats in the White House, Michael Flynn just pleaded guilty to one count of knowingly and willfully lying to the FBI.

In other news, Michael Flynn is pleading guilty to lying to the FBI today.

Mine is “TellMyWiFiLoveHer”

Why, do they not have chairs in Sudanese airports?

It won’t be. The dead-eyed church bitch will tell an obvious, verifiable, insane lie and nobody in the press will call her out on it. If there is somehow a tiny amount of push back she will continue to pile on such lies until the original lie is lost in the onslaught. Rinse and repeat. Unlike her predecessors, she

If you put $5,000 into a humor detector on January 1, 2017, then you’d be able to comprehend the meaning behind my comment today. Have fun with that knowledge.

Bitcoin isn’t real?

But if you really thought that, you’d just buy bitcoins.

Dude, the fact that there is not a designated staffer with the sole task of faking a heart attack every time the President starts his remarks with “I’m not going to read the prepared speech” is just a failure of leadership at this point.

OHH just burn everything with fire.

The film is about death and separation

Not quite. One free and dozens executed vs all alive in totalitarian country...

They’re literally killing net neutrality, I’d love to know what you think is incorrect about the headline.