
That is a terrible analogy. Venture capital has nothing to do with blatant scams — and the requirement to have qualified investor status is a big part of why VC/angels don’t get scammed. Well, that and a little bit of effort called due dilligence.

Fuck, I don’t know why we’re even letting some San Francisco judges decide this anyway. The Constitution doesn’t even mention California!

Cryptocurrency: for people who trust an elected government to be accountable to them so little that they put their trust in total strangers who are accountable to exactly nobody and nothing.

I think there are plenty of polls that show Moore in the lead and plenty that show Jones in the lead. Thing is, if you were going to vote for Moore, would you really say so? I think a lot of people won’t admit to it, but will still vote for him. I mean, how many times has he been removed from office? And we still keep

Simmer down now, kid.

Dear Bob Gamgort,

“Just wanted to more formally apologize for me email earlier.”

Whatever, you guys still have Max on board! He’ll be able document everything with his tiny camera even though there is a fullblown camera crew right the fuck there.

Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing

Also, if Sessions goes back to Alabama, Trump can hire a new AG who won’t be recused from the Russia investigation and could fire Robert Mueller.

“The text messages went on to tell her that she better not leave, and he told her that he was not going to lose her again for another 10 years and even included a picture of his genitals,” the report stated.

Can someone explain to me why Gawker was sued into oblivion for showing a video of Hulk Hogan porking a woman, yet Breitbart continues to exist despite the fact it publishes some of the most false, immoral, reprehensible and flat out dangerous material imaginable on a daily basis.

This is fantastic news, and an excellent example of what putting your money where your principles are looks like.

I’m not sure what Gadot’s payday was for Wonder Woman (and if someone has the numbers, please let me know), but if she’s getting even a portion of the residuals, she probably made some serious bank. She’ll

Good for her - I mean that sincerely.

He was recently asked about his “greatest memory” comment in an interview:

Bar keep: Going to watch the match this afternoon?

UK Update:

Mutton wrong with this.

The fact that this asshole needed to import his own ground beef so he could have a burger and not some scary exotic food is incredible. My 9year old has a more sophisticated palate than Drumpf.