
That’s pretty much the perfect example of Lawful Evil if I’ve ever seen one right there...

Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.

Has he tried fucking off, and then fucking back on again?

His office told CNN that the probe was “nothing more than a distraction from the administrator’s significant environmental accomplishments.”

You’d think they could at least give Guillermo del Toro his third movie if they wanted to make something.

He only has one post; he just keeps changing the title…

Better idea:

Uh oh, the meddling Federal government is about to invade! Quick, Texas! Secede!

“FEMA’s going to be there for years” FEMA director Brock Long told CNN this morning.

Don’t do everything together, have some space for yourselves. I’m 11 years in shacking up and it’s wonderful but carve out separate experiences. It gives you new things to talk about and also balances out your lives as a couple.

“using a homemade flamethrower to defend against neo-Nazis.”

“We’ve just gotta hunker down and see what happens” is the new slogan for the EPA, so he was definitely on-brand.

Halluci Nation

I’ve posted many other comments on this story but damn if I don’t snicker at his last name. So perfectly fitting.

I think this will be remembered as the pivot moment where Don Lemon finally became presidential.

whose most high-profile role to date is a 2007 appearance on “CSI: NY,”

It’s fucking preorders, which means that Nintendo should be able to have the ordering system open for everyone, and then just build however many people ordered one.