
So. . . no pictures? Lame.

Why? Because it was literalizing the double-entendre jokes at the end of James Bond movies since forever. How many times have a bunch of guys seen Bond and the surviving Bond girl fucking at the end of the film, and Q naively observes, “Oh, it looks like he’s attempting a re-entry”?

Also, it asks us to confront why

Fun fact: rockets are reaction engines, based on Newton’s third law of motion. The hot, fast exhaust gasses carry away momentum, so the rocket body moves in the opposite direction to conserve it.

Someday, the Queen of England is going to debase herself and meet with him and he’s going to try this. She is going to break his fucking hand and look deep into his eyes, with pity, as she does it. And then she’s going to give some action movie line, probably “I shit bigger than you,” and walk away.

So, it is currently an unknown variable.

An entire post about Colette closing down and no word on the death of Simone Veil?

Oh hell yes. I love this comic. It’s going to be interesting to see how they adapt its insanity to live action.

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

As someone who studies cultural anthropology and took several human sexuality classes this is seriously the biggest non-issue I’ve ever heard of. A foot fetish could be one of the most common kinks out there.

Bitcoiners whining about how they don’t have legal protections when scammed in their gray markets specifically designed to shield them from the “inconveniences” of above-board transactions. Love it. LOVE. IT.


It was a good game and a blast to play. Nix Vaan and the game would be even better!

Well golly gee, sources that are not named? Are you perhaps new to this whole press thing, Sanders?

Why did it take Playboy to do this?

And she looks like Ivanka...

I volunteer to assemble voting booths!

Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.

My students do not have meaningful memories of the AIDS crisis at its highest pitch — before the “cocktail” treatment was introduced in the 90s, for sure, HIV/AIDS was an automatic death sentence with a very short horizon. So I have to explain things like ACT UP, Larry Kramer, etc. It’s not as if AIDS went away, of

It’s unclear how Donald Trump will respond to the torturing death of an American citizen at the hands of an autocratic and brutal regime