
I was always nice to women in my office” is the “I have a daughter” of people who don’t have a daughter.

How did they attach the wire so quickly when she runs into the theater?

And probably made that $2k back and then some from all the clicks.

I wonder where those anonymous heroes speaking out against him were for the past 3 or 4 years...

I have stopped understanding wtf was going on about 50 chapters back.

So he does know the word ‘bipartisan’ after all! Good to know.

Honetly I get the gripe against gacha and constant attempts to milk players (doesn’t need to be casino, just microtransactions were already ugh) but the thing is: miHoYo’s 2 last games, Honkai Impact and Genshin Impact, are both pretty superb games that happen to use gacha as their monetization mechanic. Both are, in

For once then, we’re in agreement: I am also willing for them to risk dying of covid.

Can he still pull the “I don’t feel like bringing this to a vote, ever” bullshit?

Another point here is always-online games. Doesn’t matter if you have the disc or if a client is available 10 years from now, if the servers are dead.

So I guess Dems have the Oval Office, House and Senate, plus the NRA is weak right now. What’s the excuse for doing nothing gonna be this time?

I may just have missed it, in which case I apologize, but - is there any reason none of the Gawker websites (or whatever the network is called in this post-Spanfeller dystopia) didn’t cover the shooting itself? Literally learned of it from European press.

Now I’m intrigued by all the other features in the gallery. Any place one could see them if you don’t have any VR equipment, and without breaking any laws?

Ah, the free market. Or, in GOP terms: “wait, you can’t do that to my friends”.

You know he’s so out of touch he might actually try calling it MySpace.

Sometimes I feel like someone grabbed America by a corner, shook it hard, and only the crazies managed to hang on.

I just hope they fix whatever issue caused occasional heavy stuttering in games. I stayed on 13.4 for the longest time and things were fine but I got annoyed by the constant reminders and figured 14.4 was safe. Wrong...

Did they beef up the innards too? Otherwise I’m not sure how well these games will play at 4K vs 720p...

I mean that’s 55% of the R primaries, not the country, but I see your point. I don’t disagree that the best case scenario is for him to be unable to run due to a tragic case of being stuck in jail.

I literally just learned about the wedding thing yesterday when my wife mentioned it to me, so there was no shaming whatsoever going on here.