
There’s a remake of EV Override that just got funded on Kickstarter (2-man team, formerly invoved in the original EV Override) but, well, Kickstarter...

Man I just want someone to port Escape Velocity to mobile :(.

39 years old

I love that he tried to pull that transparent non-excuse BS on AOC. She’s literally the least likely to stand for that shit. When I saw it I just waited for the fireworks, and boy did she deliver.

Yes, but HE just tells it like it is, free from the shackles of the PC-police! A down to earth straight-talker, yessir.

Oh, here’s another: in sixth grade, I was fooling around with the asymmetric bars in gym class (I think that’s what they’re called? parallel bars where one is higher than the other). A popular move was ’the bell,’ where you hooked your knees over the lower bar, hung on to the higher one, and then let go. If you timed

I once fell onto the sand and impaled my wrist on a large piece of broken glass. Amusingly, I was four and that was the sandbox from my kindergarten playground, so why there was broken glass just below the surface is anyone’s guess. The school nurse, when alerted to my enthusiastic bleeding, declared I didn’t need

I mean if they didn’t want kids to burn themselves with it, why would they place them so conveniently within reach of the back seat?

I too got an uncontrollable urge to buy computer thingies during the Great Confinement, and I gave in... to a brand new $35 Raspberry Pi 4, and about twice that much in assorted accessories.

The whole thing about wanting to record a song with her reminds me of people wanting to pay with ‘exposure’ and ‘credit’ (like influencers with hotels, or famous artists with photographers).

100 years ago, both of your examples would have bought them a nice beating. Which would either have dissuaded them pre-emptively, or possibly taught them a lesson for the next time. Unfortunately, today’s trolls are neither dissuaded nor learning.

It took me one copypaste of your comment into Google to find the story you reference, and I find it baffling that the articles would all call the cosplayer by name, but still shield the perp with his online handle.

Going to TikTok to ask “Is TikTok dead?” seems about as smart as typing “is Google down” in Google.

Yeah, I’ve had to field multiple calls with my almost 2 year-old on my lap, trying to distract her with crayons or whatever, but when the call lasts an hour you can see how this’ll end up. My colleagues so far have all had a good laugh about this - when they’re not doing the same.

As a person who had a hand in implementing sexual harassment policies and training professionally: this behavior is intolerable and those policies are genuinely designed to protect you from this shit.

I hope she can finally shed some light on how she got these gigantic crowds to attend the inauguration!

Maybe she adopted those lobsters, but then realized she couldn’t give them the care they needed and decided to send them on to their forever home in the ocean.

I’m not arguing with you here. Shutting down was 100% the good call. It’s just not pain that’ll be “measured in weeks”. Still beats being dead.

Okay, in fairness it’s not “hurt the economy for a short period of time” in either scenario. I’m from a country that shut down completely for like 2 months, and the hit is going to be between severe and catastrophic. The number of small businesses that flatlined still isn’t known for certain, public debt skyrocketed