
Soooo.... They rushed season 8 for nothing? Cool. Cool cool cool.

“Keep your politics out of my sports before I shitcan the entire website!” - your corporate overlords.

I never feel free when I quit one of those games (e.g. mobile gacha grind-a-thons) but I never ever miss them even a minute. It’s like going cold turkey from an addiction, and expecting the cold sweats and all, but they just don’t come and you’re completely fine.

I bow to your superior Star Wars-fu.

For ultimate cheese, Kylo Ren would also have been swayed back to the light side by Rey and he’d be right beside her. I’d just enjoy watching the entire fandom riot at this point.

If Star Wars was still a metaphor, the Resistance would be fighting the empire with IEDs and they’d be the bad guys.

I’m just bummed it’s JJ Abrams at the helm again. I loved what Rian Johnson did with the film (at least visually - still not on board with Leia’s spacewalk that came out of left field).

Or the guy hopes to get hired for more celeb parties, and figures selective amnesia might be good for business!

I re-read it and I have no what you’re talking about.

Dear god that acting was atrocious.

Anything Fuji - exact model depends on personal preference. My jam is the X-E line because it’s so small yet packed with features. Fuji makes insanely good lenses, the APS-C sensor is a good compromise, color rendition is great, film simulations are awesome if jpeg is your thing, and the ergonomics are (IMO)

Anything Fuji - exact model depends on personal preference. My jam is the X-E line because it’s so small yet packed

So if I’m a German citizen flying from Singapore to Los Angeles on Singapore Airlines, who collects the tax? And if later in the year I fly from Prague to Moscow on Aeroflot, who collects the tax? And how do these two tax authorities share information to know that I’ve been on both those trips, thus making me a

Damn. First the return of the Kindle app, then this... I’m starting to struggle to find reasons to still have an Android tablet on the side (which is a 2012 Nexus 7 that is starting to show its age in spite of Cyanogenmod).

Perhaps not the best place to ask, I dunno: where do I go now to get my Splinter-flavored news? Any suggestions?

I initially read this as Bullshitroad and was thoroughly disappointed.

So the present would be “screenshoot”?

I got to say the part about having you read the verification code they triggered by resetting your login details during the convo is way more sophisticated than I expect your average scammer to be.

Instead of answering your simple and reasonable question, I think I’ll instead lawyer up to the gills and get the State Department to step in and loudly announce that I won’t be doing any talking today. This is sure to put any concerns to rest.

Way to misread my post though. I didn’t comment on Adobe’s application of the sanctions - but instead on their choice to move to a subscription only model, which is now biting every Venezuelian customer in the ass.

Lovely. And since Photoshop and the suite are all subscription-based only since like 2016 or so, all the money spent on that service is now worth fuck-all to all the photographers who can’t process their photos anymore. Yay for the subscription model.