As a non-American, I don’t think I ever heard the term “blackface” before 2010. Not excusing, just for context.
As a non-American, I don’t think I ever heard the term “blackface” before 2010. Not excusing, just for context.
Why do the Saudi even buy all this American hardware if the US is going to fight all their wars for them anyway?
Guy should have held fast and just watched Ross decapitate the NOAA because they dared contradict Trump. I’m sure that would have played nicely even on Fox.
Just like every other country that teaches evolution as accepted science in biology classes has a rampant gun violence problem! Oh wait no, that’s BS. Again.
What is the difference between directing someone to do something, and suggesting/hinting/insinuating/encouraging - when it’s your boss doing it?
Most observers seem to think that the anti-Johnson forces will win their battle to
imposerequest a Brexit extension on him against his will.
Soooo did he go blind and deaf overnight, or did we overlook certain warning signs that all was not well?
Can someone explain how the branches of government work in the UK? I would have thought that the PM - as leader of the executive - would have no means of preventing Parliament - part of the legislative - from doing its job i.e. passing laws.
If I could be bothered I’d register a bunch of Sanders2020 etc. domains just to spite her.
Bolsonaro also said that Macron called him a liar
The “merit” is not being brown, nor knowing brown people (except that one friend).
Yeah, I know, hence the disclaimer - but it’s still called Fox News so eh.
Why would journalists (and I use this word with caution here, for obvious reasons) even have an opinion on where the G7 should be hosted in the first place? Like literally why do they even care? It’s such blatant boot-licking, and wasted too since Trump ultimately knows no loyalty but to himself.
He’s clearly about to drop mad rhymes in that picture.
Giving people access to a quality and free education is absolutely necessary, but I’d like to point out it’s not the great equalizer people make it out to be. In France most higher education is free (or close to, by US standards) but the social mix in the top schools remains anything but diverse - discrimination…
Of course he did.
My grandmother spent most of her life in Pulau Ketam in Malaysia. Pulau Ketam is a tiny island home to about 2,000 people - most of whom are fishermen or related to the fishing trade. She’s been a diabetic since at least the 80s. In the 80s, in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere, Malaysia (a developing country at the time)…
Blaming video games used to work in the 90s when video games were still widely seen as escapism for maladjusted teens. Nowadays people play video games like they go to the movies, it’s the new normal - including for a significant part of the electorate since the teens from the nineties are now in the 30-40 year old ran…
I’m no longer interested in being fair to him.