
Of course he did.

My grandmother spent most of her life in Pulau Ketam in Malaysia. Pulau Ketam is a tiny island home to about 2,000 people - most of whom are fishermen or related to the fishing trade. She’s been a diabetic since at least the 80s. In the 80s, in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere, Malaysia (a developing country at the time)

That company was dead in 2017 before the vultures flew in. Even if they run it into the ground, it still no worse off than it was when it filed for bankruptcy all by itself.

Blaming video games used to work in the 90s when video games were still widely seen as escapism for maladjusted teens. Nowadays people play video games like they go to the movies, it’s the new normal - including for a significant part of the electorate since the teens from the nineties are now in the 30-40 year old ran

I’m no longer interested in being fair to him.


“The report is my testimony and I will stay within that text,” he told the members of the House Judiciary Committee.

That moniker, “The Squad,” needs to go. This isn’t a Marvel movie. As far as I know the only ones who haven’t referred to them as “The Squad” are... themselves. They’ve mostly played along and politely ignored is, but they are four different reps from four different states, and lumping them together like they’re

Or you may be one of those people, like me, who’s just as happy to squeeze into basic economy. can’t afford to pay $3,000 for a $600 trip.

I absolutely loved everything about the first book. The second where everyone went off to pirate-land was like a weird, too-long filler sidequest that I was just glad to be done with. The third went ok but then that reveal... Oh hell no, not the tired “lost child of a being of power” trope. I don’t think I’ll have

What the fuck is up with Inhofe apologizing to whatshisface? In can, intellectually, understand a GOP shill not agreeing with Warren, as they are wont to do. But asskissing the guy who’s not even confirmed yet and making a big show that Warren was a meanie? What purpose does that serve? It’s a confirmation hearing for

He co-founded Naughty Dog and famously looks the part of Uncharted’s Nathan Drake.

Should the resolution pass, it’s a safe bet that Trump will lash out with even more bigoted attacks nothing of consequence will happen, as usual.

You guys are going to get a wave of central-american / latinx terrorists in about 20 years and you’re all gonna wonder why it’s happening.


What’s better - being the token Republican on ABC, or the token McCain on Fox?

No it won’t, and you know why.

And that everyone carries on as if nothing had happened.

My god, THANK YOU. Norway is objectively better in every single way to where I live now. Do I want to move to Norway? No, because I have a life here. So how fucking bad does it have to get for these people to pack up their lives in three backpacks and walk thousands of miles to a place they know hates them before they