
How anyone can believe that Iran want to mount a conventional attack against US interests anywhere is beyond me. Everyone, including Iran, knows that they would get a couple bombs to go off, do moderate damage to some FOB in Bumfuck, Nowhere, and then the US would turn Iran into a parking lot. Nobody’s stupid enough

This is a woman who controls the only two strategic bombers in the land, and decides to fly them blind, low on the ground, and straight at the enemy. And land in the middle of a contested battlefield, if we talk about the Battle of Winterfell.

I mean, I’d rather teach them to avoid debt altogether and then at some point introduce the tolerable exceptions like buying a home. But if I were to teach debt, then I’d teach about all the other fun stuff that comes with it, like interest and guarantees. Sure honey, I’ll advance those $50 you want for the shoes - but

Has he already created long-lasting peace in the Middle-East, or is he just multi-tasking like a boss?

I’m going to disclaim this (for our friendly NSA watchers) by stating I’m nowhere near at risk of being subject to this policy - I’m not on the right continent, I’m not brown, I’m not poor.

As I said in another comment, it’s not about the money, it’s about making up reasons to deny requests. In fact, criminals bent on leeching off America are highly likely to find a way to cough up some cash: it’s the actual people fleeing with literally nothing but their shirts on their backs - those who need asylum

There’s super strong incentive to work on recycling batteries anyway, since raw materials are comparatively scarce when you start thinking about replacing a global fleet of vehicles. I looked at the numbers a few years ago and it looked like lithium availability could be an issue, though technology improvements may

Assorted thoughts:

More like asking money from people who fled with literally nothing but their shirts on their backs. It’s not about the money, it’s about making up reasons to deny requests.

I think mine must have been Super Mario Land on the venerable Game Boy. Either that or Winter Games, I forget which one was first. Man, the hours I poured into this Mario. Run out of lives? LOL START AT THE BEGINNING SCRUB. Those were the days.

But if you care about the environment, don’t do that!

I realize I’m late to the party, but what’s wrong with just making a second, throwaway email? I’ve had one for the past like 20 years now, still going as strong as ever with the spam.

Or hit the bottle once he learns exactly how popular he is - either way you’re technically correct!

Please leave France out of this, we want nothing to do with your problem-in-chief.

I’d be miffed if that happened. This is a battle that thousands of people have been preparing for, some quite smart in general, and they all know that the Night King’s whole shtick is ‘I raise dead people’. I damn well hope there’s a reason he can’t raise the crypt-sleepers because if not, it’s the stupidest deus ex

Tangential, but:

THANK YOU. I remember when it came out and a for few years thereafter everybody I knew offline and online trashed X-2 at every opportunity. No story, fanservice, not a real Final Fantasy, blah blah blehrg. It has one of the (if not the) best combat/character system ever and it was super fun to play. I have better

I read this as “chewable space bar” and now I really think there’s an opportunity to corner the market of edible computer peripherals.

Um, why’s the report called “Volume I of II” and in that case, where’s Volume II?

Yes, a sprinkler system inside the cathedral sure would have extinguished a fire on the roof.