
Makes sense: for Huckabee, the only way a woman can sound smart is if shes reading from a mans notes.

I mean, (allegedly) calling someone at work fat repeatedly through a campaign of anonymous messages and then pretending she got hacked. That is pretty bad.

Two girls tried to crash my wedding. They did the old were from the side of the couple that you arent to my wifes uncle (sent to investigate by my sharp-eyed wife!), but unfortunately for them my wife and I are from SUPER different backgrounds and it was painfully obvious that they were not, in fact, members of my

I was always curious about this defense that “the folks in charge” are to blame and the footsoldiers were just following orders or something. Leaving aside the fairly clear precedent set by certain post-WW2 trials, how does it work? I mean there’s the Commander in Chief,the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs,

“It’s advocacy for total lawlessness!” host Jedediah Bila chimed in said of a document detailing how the law works.

How can this woman so consistently land the perfectly wrong take?

Victim ?

Im sure Katie here fixes her own car, too.

Us real D&D nerds would never hang out with someone like this. Basement dwellers have standards too!

With hits like German companies doing business in Iran should wind down operations immediately, I absolutely want to empower other conservatives throughout Europe, other leaders (said to Breitbart, of all outlets) and “[Nord Stream 2 participants are] always in danger, because sanctions are always possible”, I susp

Whats the point of the lie anyway? Tim Cook Apple would still have made no sense in that context.

Literally guffawed at work at his response. “Yeah I think forced teen marriage is ok because lifelong commitment to rape, and also the thought of 14 year-olds fooling with one another makes me all hot and bothered. You shouldn’t be surprised. Come on my show!”

The guest list is probably all millionaires and up - for all you know theyll have a helicopter limo service airlifting everyone from here to there.

Wrong. High frequency traders do look for the shortest cable, and the fastest computing power and network adapters. Its very much a tech game. That’s why they rent space in the exchanges themselves (known as co-locating) to park their servers as close to the source as possible.

Whaaaat you mean he didnt immediately stare into the camera and confess live on air? Well color me shocked.

Is gasoline?

I real-life know a pretty popular online money guru. He’s been at this for like 10+ years now, big following. He writes about saving pennies on credit cards and deals and 10-step methods to financial independence and what not. What he’s not telling people is this:

So poor people should work work work because bootstraps, but also should stay at home to raise kids. Got it.

Wont be of Europe for long still...