
My dad tells this story about his early days in one of his first jobs. He wanted to impress so he came in early and left late. His boss came to see him one day before leaving, and said: “Either you’re too slow to do the work, and you should leave - or I’m giving you too much work, and you should leave.” He got the

Re: raw beef: its called steak tartare, and I have it like once a month.

Thanks for this, I was afraid I was going to be the only old fart with an unpopular hot take.

Bit late to this one, but do note that a) the Advocate General proposes an opinion, but that it is not binding on the Court - and b) that this relates to a case started in 2015. The opinion explicitly references Directive 95/46/E, which is the one that was replaced by GDPR.

Yes, how indeed can a countrys laws have jurisdiction on foreign companies regarding their activities abroad? See also: US FATCA, US FCPA. Americas been doing it for decades.

Well if he does that, he can finally brag that Mexico paid for the wall like he always (but also never) said!

why not just move it a few more hundred miles inland—say, to Wyoming or Idaho, or somewhere else with a lot of wide open space?

Sooo... your plan is that every country needs to meet the same emissions per capita? Cause that wouldn’t be great for the US. But hey - we shouldnt give them an obvious advantage just because we feel sorry for them!

I find this timid approach simply unacceptable in the face of the crisis were facing. Guns for teachers? Screw that. Skip directly to claymore mines on all entrances and if that fails, rig the foundations with demo charges. That should give Republicans the biggest boner of all.

Somewhat unrelated but can we talk about this fucking douchebag on Politico bloviating about how the Democrats not budging on the wall “denotes, perhaps more than anything else, [...] the growing irrationality of the Democrats on immigration enforcement, while both recognizing that the wall would be a useless artifact

This is a lot more than I usually share but I suppose it’ll probably stay in the greys anyway. Here’s some perspective from across the Atlantic:

And if a single car get jammed in there somehow, the entire tunnel’s out of commission until it gets out. Oh boy, this sounds great!

For him, any cause of death is my favourite cause of death.

Whats that? A black person facing jail for a crime that didnt actually hurt anyone? Why, let me try to remember where Ive seen this one before.... Oh yeah, it was every day in America.

Im glad for Gris. I used to think I was gonna buy a Switch just to play one game - Bayonetta 3. But no longer! Now Im gonna buy a Switch to play two games!

If only some other developed country had already done this so we can have some idea of what happens when it does, and if only a major central bank had studied its effects. Oh wait.

But as we said all along, this is not a surprise to us. It’s not a surprise to the mayor.

This after the Dems already took such a deal once, only to have Trump immediately screw them over. I mean if Chuck fucking Schumer can learn his lesson, how stupid to they have to be at the WaPo editorial board to still not get it?

Soul, perhaps? You know, like every other unnecessary 30-years-in-the-making pre/sequel or remake out there?

I have a super low pain tolerance and I still went through 4 wisdom tooth extractions with only ibuprofen or aspirin and didnt feel a thing.