
As a Frenchman, I can tell you that France doesnt have the courage for the kind of structural, societal changes needed to face the challenge of technology simply eliminating the need for entire job categories. We go on strike anytime anyone even breathes in the general direction of labor laws, taxes and pensions.

I mean, its not like tax breaks have never translated into more hires in the history of forever or anything. Who could have guessed that this time, as always, it would not work?

Buuuuuullshit. It was a light drizzle. If that shit caused “zero visibility” nothing would ever fly near Paris.

I mean this is the guy who complained he had a hard time selling American luxury sedans in Germany, so...

I don’t think anyone in France gives a shit what Trump thinks anymore, even the far-right nutjobs.

Perjury trap? Dude: when on the stand, tell the truth. Its literally that simple. Its like calling a long strech of straight road a turn trap”.

Tomorrow on Fox News: Socialist traitor Congresswoman shills for Chinese manufacturer, grossly violates federal ethics rules. Cue lock-her-up chants.

70 world leaders here on the ground, and that one skips the peace forum. Purely symbolic? Sure. But what a symbol to blow off on the 1st century of the end of WWI...

This is the correct take. Her one episode (a memorable one even leaving aside her performance, to boot) left me with a months-long crush and the certainty we’d be hearing more about her.

Im Wall Street-adjacent. Everyone in the office thinks Trump is certifiably insane.

No, Ive been reading these since I started lurking in the grays on Jez and this year is definitely different.

Sure, she doesnt believe in dinosaurs, but she’ll be damned if that stops her from blaming their extinction on Dems anyway!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders blames Democrats for everything, from Pearl Harbour to the extinction of dinosaurs. She probably blames Democrats whenever she can’t find her car keys. I think its been well established in the past year that she has nothing of relevance to say, so can we start ignoring her already?

50 dead, over $15b in damage, and things are still a shitshow over there with hundreds homeless and thousands without stable power - but let’s go ahead and fast-track the conviction of a black mother who just buried her kid, for the grave crime of driving on a closed highway.

I had to watch the entire second half of the season with sound off (and subs on, obviously) because I didnt want to wake my baby :(. I missed the soundtrack completely.

That was a really harsh read, and I’m a suburban white male. Cant imagine how hard it must have hit people with different life experiences. Trigger warnings definitely sound necessary, especially since - I don’t know if its just me - there seems to be way more stories this year about real life horrors as opposed to

Got a gay Brazilian colleague here in Europe - he applied for citizenship last week. Can’t blame him.

In fairness calling a main dish the entrée - literally the French word for a starter - makes no sense at all and is 100% on you Americans.

When reached by phone for comment, Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded: The White House doesnt have phones.

... OR ELSE!” he meant to type, before his hairpiece slipped forward and accidentally pressed send before he was able to finish.