
Not to diminish from this issue, but I found this to be an interesting read (from Wikipedia):

TL;DW: Laura is outraged that if you keep saying stupid shit to people giving you money, they might choose to give that money to someone else. “Oh noes, suddenly there are consequences for saying things!” Welcome to the free market, girl.

You mean Suits isn’t ending after this season? Say it ain’t so!

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Haven’t all the firings resignations taken place on Fridays?

I’ve seen that movie before...

Pshh, I know at least two Seans that are better than him.

Perhaps someone should alert the media?

Yes, I too am just starting to think that maybe he wasn’t the best pick.

Hey. I think we’ve reached the end of this discussion, but I wanted to take a second to thank you for a rare conversation on such a volatile topic that didn’t end up with either of us throwing insults at one another :).

“Relatively affluent”.

On 8 September 2000, the head of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) formally apologized for the agency’s participation in the “ethnic cleansing” of Western tribes.

The reason we’re at peace with Japan and Germany today is also because we took the boot off their necks. We can argue chicken and egg all day but at some point the victor also needs to stop and extend an olive branch, I think. Retaliation against attacks is one thing, but blockading access routes and restricting

It’s not that simple. The Palestinians are clearly outgunned, I agree again. On the other hand I don’t think your depiction of a terrorist state intent on the destruction of Israel is entirely fair. Hamas is still a terrorist organization, I get that, and they essentially rule Palestine. Sure. But the guys who were

I agree - though I have the luxury of distance - but it doesn’t change the fact that opening fire in a crowd of protesters is barbaric, let alone with tanks.

Per Reuters, Zuckerberg says the company has no plans to comply globally with the European Union’s strict new General Data Protection Regulation law, which takes effect in May 2018.

I think you’re confusing the PLO Charter and the Palestinian Constitution. The latter has nothing about Israel. The PLO officially agreed to play nice in 1991, but did fail to amend its Charter (also: failed to actually stop armed action). Having said that, I’m sure there’s also some accord or another where Israel

In July 2014, HAMAS and other Gaza-based militant groups engaged in a 51-day conflict with Israel — the third conflict since HAMAS’s takeover in 2007 — culminating in late August with an open-ended truce that continues to hold despite the absence of a negotiated cease-fire and occasional violations by both sides.

The great thing is that they don’t have a career or clients or subsidies or sponsors to lose - so when asked whether they accept an apology, they can just go “Hell no, that was grade A BS” instead of some convoluted non-answer that gets us nowhere.

I’d never heard of it until today but it sounds very compelling!