
My now-wife and I started a joint account when we moved in together. Each of us has his own bank account where salaries go in. Each of us moves an agreed amount in the joint account automatically every month. The joint account pays all shared expenses: rent (now mortgage), food, holidays, etc. Any extra goes into a

As a Parisian I can assure you racism is alive and well. My wife is Moroccan and holy hell, the stories she and her friends could tell...

I love how at first he’s like “ZOMG liberal LIES!!” and then he’s all “Okay sure, he wanted to fire the guy, no big deal.”

What depresses me so much is how little it matters. If Obama had paid off a pornstar to keep quiet about their tumbles while he was married, it would have been the Apocalypse. But for Trump, it’s just Tuesday. The story didn’t last 3 days on the news. How is that even possible?

It is also the sickest public burn I’ve seen any institution inflict on this maniac.

This doesn’t have much to do with any ongoing geopolitical situations.

To be fair, get in a random match with russian players and you better hope they speak in a language you don’t understand*.

You know how the first Transformers movie was a kinda-ok action movie, and then the others all look like parodies of themselves? I get a feeling Pacific Rim 2's gonna be like that.

I now understand that Aaronofski’s issue with his and JLaw’s age difference was that it wasn’t big enough.


Try to get some paper trail or at least the name/badge of the officers. This guy’s might keep insisting you didn’t pay him (lesson learned: get receipts or at least pay by bank wires) and at some point you’re going to need to have people there to confirm that he lied about not knowing you and about you never living

This happens all the time to photographers btw. “Plx take fotos of me me me, I’ll pay you by crediting you on my instafacechat.” I’m sure that’ll pay the bills, yeah.

I mean really, if you sense layoffs coming, that’s the only thing you should have in mind - unless you’re absolutely positive you’re going to get a great severance package. Don’t be like the guys at my previous firm(s) who waited until it was too late.

How is it even possible to be a jazzman and a racist without self-combusting from hypocrisy?

I’ve only ever seen one dead body and found it remarkable how you know that person’s gone. There’s something completely unmistakable about it that isn’t the stillness of movement or the pallid skin tone.

Aw man you beat me to it. Flake, sit down and shut up until you actually do something against Trump and his administration.

So now, instead of potential patients seeing negative reddit threads pop up as Google results, they’ll see articles about him suing reddit for hosting negative comments. Good plan.

Gonna be interesting to see how (or if) the other senators (all 5 Repubs) are going to respond. Especially Graham, who apparently reacted in-meeting.

It does seem a bit far out!

“God has forgiven me.” - 2nd culprit.