
I know! It drives me nuts how people are like “he was just a nice guy trying to do his job”. HE ASKED DONALD J. TRUMP, AN ASSHOLE, TO LET HIM DO THINGS FOR HIM (including, inter alia, repeatedly throwing bald-faced lies at reporters) IN EXCHANGE FOR MONEY. It’s like lamenting the fate of the accountant who cooks the

Citing “a person with direct knowledge of the exchange,” the Times said that Spicer quit over his outrage that President Donald Trump had appointed a longtime loyalist, New York financier Anthony Scaramucci, as his new communications director, a post senior to Spicer’s. This “person with direct knowledge of the

I like how they make him look like he resigned out of an overabundance of ethics or integrity or something. You’ve been in the doghouse for months Spicey, everybody knows it. Just accept you got Trumped like all the others.

And it’s gonna stay that way if they keep not listing him in the promos of the blockbusters he stars in.

For the first time in years I have a weekend to myself. Nobody home, no chores to do, no work. I bought Dishonored 2 (about 3 days after the Steam sale ended - you’re welcome Bethesda), a large pizza, a large bottle of Coke, and I’m currently in chapter 3. I’m in full-on teenage regression mode.

How would you like the French to feel about this?

Or his lesser known mexican cousin, Ronaldo ‘El Ron’ Musk.

Wait wait, tell me if you’ve heard this one before: “Junior is such a great, honest, transparent person. Did he stray because he didn’t know better? Yes. But he’s a good American at heart and he’s working for the greater good, you know? Such an asset to his team. It’d be cruel to destroy his young life over this.”

While I’m super excited at this development, I feel like there’s an elephant in the room: if the emails were between Rob, Kushner, Manafort and Trump Jr only, who gave them to the press?

This is more like pleading guilty because you know your dad owns the entire legal system.

Well that’s pretty much what he just did.

So the steps are:

“Deplores” *snicker*

Someone please dress up in a burqa and try to enter the House. That should be appropriate, right?

My favourite part of FF XII was that tyrannosaur that’s roaming right outside the gates of the first city. In typical FF fashion I engaged it, thinking “eh, I’m level 3 but encounters are designed for your expected level” and got stomped. This was FF XII’s way of telling me everything was dangerous, and it really made

I tend to prefer FFVI, but IX does have Beatrix...

Yeah yeah, the Consumer Safety Circlejerk Of People Paid To Do Absolutely Fuck All recommend that you stare at every piece of electronics while it charges, because that’s exactly what you bought it for. To look at it while it becomes usable again.

Wouldn’t that pretty much amount to watching people play a LARP version of Paranoia?

This guy’s the luckiest man alive for being thrown exactly between the wall and the pole. If he’d hit either I wager this would be a very different story.

“News outlets get to go on, day after day, and cite... unnamed sources [...]”