
Makes for a killer media server if you’re willing to put in the rather minimal work - even as a Linux newbie like myself.

Autoexec.bat is fine, it’s config.sys I keep messing up. I probably don’t need the CD-ROM drive for this, do I? Let’s take out the drivers, should free up like 5 whole kilobytes or so. What does mem /c /p tell me?

I can’t not upvote a reference to HiMem.

3.85 years by my count.

I don’t know about the risks but is sure isn’t worth the hassle. My wife and I have definitely written off the US for the next 3.85 years at least; the world is too big to deal with all that BS during holidays.

When it’s clear that the world is doomed, and humanity on the brink of extinction - so, with Republican help, in about 15 years - I wonder if we can have all these fuckers hanged for crimes against humainty. I mean, we literally won’t have anything better to do.

US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8

I can see the point made that if you can’t afford both healthcare and a phone, you shouldn’t pick the phone. But I think that’s a disingenuous way of putting things. People didn’t use to have to choose, so what the GOP’s proposing now is objectively worse. The argument that one needs to choose between two necessities,

Just as a frame of reference, Europe - with its comparable total population - received about 1.3 million refugees in 2016 and somewhere north of 300,000 in 2016.

I haven’t read the article. This is the latest in a string of increasingly desperate, unhinged, gratuitous accusations by the overburnt muffin-in-chief, and the most alarming thing to me about it is how he just needs 2 tweets that probably took all of 4 seconds for him to think up to dominate the weekend newsflow. No,

That was basically my one complaint for the entire lifespan of the PS3 and I distinctly remember everyone looking at me like I was crazy - so why are non-transferrable saves a problem now?

Well fuck the office, I’m going home.

The problem is that Trump’s agenda is whatever he saw on Fox 10 minutes before, apparently.

That’s assuming that markets are efficient, which is a pretty ballsy position to take considering recent history.

Considering there’s such a thing as papal infallibility in the Catholich Church, doesn’t arguing against the Pope make you automatically wrong?

I’m just another person with an anecdote but my wife had never been to the US and was really looking forward to it (I’ve visited extensively on business in past years). Except she’s from Morocco, so we’re basically holding off until they get rid of Trump and everything he touched. Indonesia looks good for this year’s

#2 is like #1, except with mucho stabbing at the end.

Wait, did he really end his second letter with a condescending humblebrag? ‘Apology’ not accepted, asshole.

In before it’s revealed that the sanatorium belongs to Trump group. “It’s a wonderful place. I stayed in some of it,” Tillerson was quoted as saying. “I fully — I’m going to give a free commercial here. Go book it today, everybody. You can find it online.

You know what? This reporting you’re doing, collectively, on Trump and on America in general, has value to me (500 days of whoever notwithstanding). I’m whitelisting GMG sites in Adblock, which I’ve basically never done before, because fuck it I don’t want it to stop. Roll on guys, you’re doing a fine job.