Toyota will buy them and FCA will return to dust. I don’t think FCA can take on the debt.
Toyota will buy them and FCA will return to dust. I don’t think FCA can take on the debt.
“Overall production in Mexico actually dropped for the first time in years, just one percent, but is expected to remain stable going forward. That’s good news to the accountants at GM, but probably bad news for just about everybody else.”
Watch as emotion overrules logic as I present the facts.
I’m floored, frankly. I was NOT expecting a sports reporter to evaluate a player’s character based on the player’s relationships with other sports reporters.
You folks are missing the point. There were no US military on the base. The majority of persons running the base were south africans, balkan states personnel, and retired military people with little to ZERO experience in combat or conflict zones and/or with little to no management or leadership experience. The most…
This photo is like a modern day Last Supper
This. I’m not comfortable approaching 150 mph in any Hellcat, nevermind 200. Give me that Camaro, erry’day.
No argument here. CTS-V is an amazing car. It does share some engineering with the Camaro but is easily the better car... however, it starts at $85,000 compared to $60,000.
and even if you use the truck for truck purposes a few times per year, what’s wrong with wanting something nice? Not your money, not your business.
the rancher that owns hundreds of acres, raises livestock, transports horses, and pays for this puppy in cold hard cash. What does one do with a $70,000 BMW? Same thing for them.
Jimmy Fallon.
Original comment: Wages have stagnated since the 80s.
Datsun = good. Nissan = bad.
Not necessarily. Rand has been very consistent with his position on individual liberty here: that an unborn child has the inherent right to live. Nothing more, nothing less. Libertarianism (small L) as I know it is where people can act in a manner they choose as long as they aren’t infringing on someone else’s rights…
You forgot MK Ultra.
They tried something like that once. There used to be station wagons, but the feds didn’t like that, so regulations were passed that made them impossible. The people that wanted station wagons didn’t want to downsize to a sedan, (where do you put four kids?) so they bought passenger trucks like the Suburban and…
Wow, you own am 80’s BMW, you must be really special. I now understand your post.
Right, shitting on the earth by investing the resources to manufacture and maintain a single vehicle rather than several. Makes sense.