
Hmm. Read more.

The TRD is a mediocre off road vehicle due to its long wheel base, idenoendant suspension, and approach angles.

It’s not larger than social security.

He probably received a buyout that prevents just that. $1 million plus a non disclosure agreement heals all wounds.


Yes, like boxing, MMA payouts are negotiated by the fighters’ agents long before the bout. The bigger the name, the bigger the payout. Rousey was the dominant woman fighter for a decade so people show up and tune in to see her fight.


*sigh* try google. There is so much written on this over the last 70 years.


I think NY and CA are just polarizing experiences. I’d also add TX. Some people really enjoy SoCal and NYC while others despise it. Both regions lack universal appeal and have similiar downsides (traffic, cost of living, crime). Simultaneously, they have strong upsides for many people (climate, big city life,

Closed (and appropriately licensed) race tracks are exempted from emissions laws.

Prime video is a nice service. Comparable to Netflix and with some really good exclusives.

And the qtr 3 GDP is at 18.4. Your G ratio actually decreased by .4 percent.

I was looking a thing 2014 which was 14%

I was looking a thing 2014 which was 14%

Your numbers are wrong.

That $1 trillion in social security’s doesn’t do that much economically when you are removing at least as much from the economy through SS taxes. You are taking from young people to give to old people but the difference is mostly neutral. Taxation is a detriment to GDP. Taxes that are spent domestically even out.

I wouldn’t use government spending per GDP as an indicator. It gives little insight into its role in the production of goods and services. Actual government contribution to GDP is what I was proposing. This shows how much GDP is actually produced through socialized industry. The US ranges around 14% whereas Finland is

Then perhaps we agree. I also agree with the other guy. Maybe you two agree but don’t realize it?

Sure, in a single sector on a very small scale. Until the majority of a nation’s GDP is the result of government ownership, it’s hard to argue that a nation is socialist.