
The Lima plant is a murky example. The plant is owned by the US Governemnt, but it is operated by General Dymanics. General Dynamics designs and builds the M1 Abrams Tank.

Really shat the bed in physics, I see.

He’s saying that having a limited number of industries socialized does not a socialist country make. The day the government runs Nike, Exxon and Apple is the day the US become a socialist nation.

You need to quit paying your tuition and find a better university.

He means goods such as clothing, cars, houses, food, etc. The US Government does not control the production and distribution of many consumer goods. Social services are one thing, socialized commerce is something different. 

Clearly you’ve never tried to withdraw an IRA.

Less regulation, permitting and pesky inspections to deal with. Also, fuckin labor laws and unions gumming up the works.

Excellent work!

What surprises me is that people believe the registry doesn’t already exist. Remember PRISM? The NSA program where google, Facebook, AOL, yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and about 20 other companies began compiling American demographic, shopping interests, political, religious and ideological data starting in 2007?

Yes. Interspecies love is a thing in Star Wars.

6' with tiny hands.

Alabama pays better.

It based on the frequency of use. The right thumb stick on the Xbox one shares time/space with the buttons and is therefore secondary in use. The position is ok, because it’s used less frequently. The left thumb stick is elevated because it shares space with the D-pad. The left stick is generally your movement stick

Dualshocks are built by Asians for Asians. If you have hands on the small side for a white or black male, they will feel fine. If you have average to large hands, you feel like you are playing a game system for 5 year olds.

Among most NATO militaries. It’s like calling referring to the Germans as Nazis—a bygone reference to an embarrassing era.

“Red Army” is a military pejorative.

American troops... horrible things happened, but not on the scale or with the intent of the red army in Syria. Civilian deaths during American operations are generally accidents. Deaths under Russian troops are intentional. No nation fights wars in a more humane way than the US and it’s NATO allies.

No. they may have grossed some short term profits, but have never posted an annual profit. In fact, they’ve never come close.

More than you’d think. Vegas, Atlantic City, Orlando, and LA all have this sort of entertainment. A former Rockette could get hired in a dance troop anywhere.

This isn’t forced labor. Each of these performers are free to seek work elsewhere. There are plenty of dance troops in Vegas, Paris, Orlando and LA that would hire a former Rockette in a second.