If this is an option, it will probably be the most aesthetic one. No need for that big gigantic wing unless you track the car or want the attention.

I bought my FR-S new in July of 2012 for Scion MSRP (~$24k). That was the absolute peak of the dealer markups.

Really the interior is the deal breaker? In a fun car the interior should be the least of concerns, just look at the Alfa 4c.


I dunno, I see the Fords and Chevys as payback for the thousands of Mazdas and Nissans that Gran Turismo has foisted on us over the years.

STOP. PLEASE. This isn’t Craigslist.

I am a total sucker for 1982 Collector Edition, which makes glass-back into lift-back for the first time:

Glass-back is best-back. Buttress-back is butts.

Think about what? Adobe products?

I am a man who has been raped, and a man who has been beaten so badly I nearly drowned in my own blood (two separate incidents). I still say I do not know what a woman who is raped goes through, just as I would not expect someone who has never had a near death experience to empathize for me rather than with me. And 5

saw that car getting rebuilt at Canepa this spring:

My Dad had a 1980 exactly like the one in your picture! Many good times were had!

This will happen when the new Ford Bronco gets greenlit. And the mid-engine Corvette shows up. And Nissan takes orders for the IDx Nismo. And Toyota makes the Supra successor. And Moller’s SkyCar hits production.

The Ideal World: Nude photos are secure, all abortions are unnecessary, guns are unnecessary, free healthcare has no negative economic impact, government assistance has no negative economic impact, politicians don’t accept bribes.


Lock your car.

Lock your home.

Use a complex password and a computer on a trusted network and up to date security software.

But hey, I’m just a guy that likes to protect what he has and not wish that everyone was good instead.

As a 10 year navy vet who worked in the intel community it surprises me that people think that a right to privacy somehow ensures privacy. The hard lesson is that the minute you move from a thought to actually doing something you are at risk. I’m not arguing if it’s right or wrong mind you, I’m simply saying that if a

Agreed. If you do, don’t keep them in the cloud or on your phone.

This is one leaked nude I’m going to have to pass on.....

Trump is an idiot and so are you.