Interesting to see with that other mule behind it with a more modest wing, as well. Multiple levels of aero like the Z06?

It’s not creating lift. It’s shifting the aero balance rearward.


Taking the wing off? Well I guess he’s not driving it too fast, then.

But how is anyone going to like this without at least 300hp?!?!?!

Probably killed it because they realized it would only fill a niche market, not sell that many, and get judged against every more-for-your-money-burger-king hot hatch or ponycar until it hits the used market and gets bought by cheapass enthusiasts now that the car is available at “a price it should’ve been when new.”

*british accent engage* so then what kind of car we Avenir? Don’t look like much, to be honest.

“I didnt ask to be Aperta this”

I can’t watch this. The production values are too low. They could’t even afford to film it in landscape. Get back to me when they find a competent director. *huff*

And Ferrari. So many Ferraris. Game ruined.

Last year’s Rennsport Reunion.

Something about bootyfronts.

Here’s the model Yamaha Acoustalon marimba I’ve had for almost 11 years now. YM-2400, 4 1/3 octave with fiberglass keys. An excellent alternative to the traditional rosewood-keyed models.

Well, one of the protesters also got shot during the protests... by another protester. Really helps get the message across. /s

I paid $9.5k for my DD ‘80 C3 with a 350HO crate engine and 5-speed attached to it. $22k is crackpipe for a late model C3.

Is this for homologation purposes?

Hellz yeah. All that storage space and none of dis shit:

What year and engine does it have? If it doesn’t have chrome bumpers or doesn’t have an LT-1 or a big block, then he’ll be waiting a long time before it becomes a collector.