It’s also slower than a last gen Z06.
It’s also slower than a last gen Z06.
There’s so many drool-worthy way of building it, too.…
This. I’m a gun owner and I’m convinced that saying came from someone oblivious to their surroundings. An armed society does not make for a polite society. A polite society is going to be polite because it’s inherent in their values. Giving shitty people guns isn’t going to suddenly make them polite. It’s going to…
Come on, BMW. You know the S55 will fit in the M2. Do a limited production run of them. Take off your business pants and go wild!
I’m absolutely not a computer guy.
And the 1 of 4 victories car, the mkIV, was the fastest oit of all of them. ;)
The wing made the car slower, like every other car when you put a wing on it?
Needs more manual pop-up headlights.
Definitely on your side, here. Shits about as bothersome as when people call mags clips.
You would know if you followed his twitter. Every time.
Welcome to the early 1900s.
Sweet, another movie that didn’t need a reboot.
You take yourself off? That’s what commoners do!
Too bad there weren’t any Range Rover drivers nearby, apparently.
But how can the old car’s fuel economy be awful? I heard it from Bernie Sanders himself that cars back in the day got fantastic fuel economy and it’s embarrassing how little progress there’s been in automobiles.
Short answer: Poop first, then drive! You also get weight savings in the process.