I prefer this bodystyle as well, especially when fender flares are added.

I can only imagine what kind of speed that thing could get even on the relatively short straights at H2R.

My parents had a '99 2500. I learned how to drive in that whale and managed to show my slaloming skills at the time by just plowing through all the cones instead of attempting to go around them. Ah, memories...

Why? I wouldn't be surprised if the V8 weighed as much or less than the twin turbo 6 that's in the ATS-V.

Last I checked, GM was dealing with the issue as well, and there have been fewer incidents compared with what happened with the GT3, but hey whatever. Hurr durr reliability better on one car with exploding engine over other for some reason.

Self destructing, you say?

That building looks like an aircooled cylinder.

That would be just... ow brb.

Or titanium. A lot of titanium was used in the xonstruction of the tomcat, so I would imagine some of it found its way into balls.

Haggle him down with the reason being "I need it at this price to get on this list on Jalopnik!"

Problem, though. It's missing something. What could it be missing?

Needs one more plane D:

S52 M Roadster, because two seats better.

Later model cars had a decent gymkhana suspension option that actually made them quite good in the corners. As for high speeds, I've spoken with a couple owners of both late model and early model C3s, and the word that tends to stick with early model owners is "scary," while the late model owners say "stable."

This isn't really an example of weight savings for a performance advantage, but to get past regulations. Kind of relates to when the 917 was running. Prior to the start of Le Mans, cars would have to drive over a bump to ensure they weren't below the minimum ride height. To beat this, some teams would put the

I remember there being an article on here a while back saying Cosworth or some other tuner was going to be offering a 200hp naturally aspirated option for the new miata. I hope Im remembering this correctly because it would be a little beast with that much power and so little weight. That's the nice thing about small

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Kind of a downgrade in the sound department, in my opinion.

I like to imagine this long silent pause lasts until you find a spot at the top of a parking garage.

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Agreed. It's not bad sounding, but personally, I think it's a step in the wrong direction.