
Needs more Body Heat.

Why did you guys use one of the Jim Henson Creature Shop’s creations for ‘The Labyrinth’ in the header photo?

Maybe it was part of a weird plea deal.

My dentist recommended alcohol free mouthwash years ago. Since then I don’t wake up with dry mouth and bits of my gums/cheek burnt off.

I absolutely welcome the return of all these ports including the SD card slot! I probably missed the SD slot and HDMI the most....And good fucking riddance touchbar! You will not be missed. This is the first MacBook Pro in a long time that I actually feel like it was built for pros. Give me a thicker and heavier

I figured Ted Turner was involved somehow given how that lead image had been colorized.

Grumpy old man here ...

Whatsapp is the primary (and frequently only) available messaging platform for millions upon millions of people worldwide.

Coal companies from WV shouldn’t be represented by a Senator, people from WV should be represented by a Senator. There is a round failure in WV for not having diverse industry supporting the state, but the solution isn’t exempting dirty coal from effects in the bill.

Now who sounds old - you can’t deposit a check on your phone? OOOOLLLDDD! :-D

I was once a young man in high school with college aspirations.

We have here the crossing of 3 things

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

She’d be perfect for some role on The Mandalorian. You know, because of all the lawlessness.

Ming Na Wen fought Keanu Reeves at Carthage.

It’s a bummer it’s ending up on the CW.

No, the original intent was for Sinclair to run the whole distance.  I don’t think he’s ever said it, but I think the intent was for his trip back in time to be at the end of the series instead of the middle of season 3.

When Haiti has a better electrical grid than your state, the arguments that you’re not a “failed state” KINDA go out the window...

We’re ending the independence experiment. It’s been a good 245 years, but it’s just not working out. Biden’s going to tear up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and we’re going to rejoin the British Empire.

I wish that white community leaders would appeal for calm about this. There’s such an endemic violent streak in the white community, I’d hate to think of young kids who might believe that this sort of behavior is acceptable.