
ummmm..... geezers with young kids aren’t THAT unusual... just saying...

Just many attempts did it take to type that without losing it on your keyboard.

I was 12. A family friend had just been called back to active duty because of the ‘61 Berlin Crisis.

I grew up in Wisconsin during the Lombardi Era, but have spent the last almost two decades in south Texas.

Will you still feel that way if Trump gets reelected - and feels he now has unlimited authority to do whatever he feels like doing?

My almost 50 spouse and my almost 70 self got a tremendous laugh the first time we saw it.

You forgot to point out the moron doesn’t know the difference between “right” and “write.”

Israel is a nation, Judaism is a religion.

Wish I had a photo of the one that slid along the curb, saving my ear. It was worn through to the inside padding.

Yeah, in really hot weather, chaps over shorts are a good compromise.

Hmmm.... I had just under 200,000 miles on my bike before I parked it a few years ago. Needs a major rebuild and I’m getting old and... anyway.

So... my home-schooling coding wizards are not eligible...damn.

Quoting Chief Justice Burger is a seriously slippery slope, considering how he swung back and forth on so many issues and was largely considered ineffective - if not desposed - by the other justices on his court.

Yeah... because no evidence was presented to show said short-barrelled shotgun was useful as a military weapon. (Tell that to the guys who fought trench warfare in WW I.)

I had legal concealed carry back in the 1970s - long before the big push nationwide. And on two occasions I de-escalated a bad situation without actually drawing the weapon.

You might want to go back and look at the Miller decision.

Come now... the abortion question is far more complicated than you seem willing to admit. Soundls like you’d support that criminal prosecution in El Salvador of a woman having a miscarriage.


That was explained rather well in Heller.

No, it’s Smithsonian providing a way for other museums to attract people who haven’t been there before.