Outlier is so many ways: Not just African-american, but a college-graduate engineer who used handguns (not even Wonder 9s, but .45 ACPs) and who had given little if any indications of anything like this.
Outlier is so many ways: Not just African-american, but a college-graduate engineer who used handguns (not even Wonder 9s, but .45 ACPs) and who had given little if any indications of anything like this.
And even many of those are still recovering from the effects of European colonialism.
I do the official Facebook for work, but I haven’t been on my personal page in months - probably not at all this year - because too many of my old buddies have become insane.
Well, as a seriously Old White Guy, it took me a few minutes to get it ... then almost blew my coffee across the keyboard.
And you make his case - you want to ban guns commonly used in home defense.
There’s not a lot of difference between an AR-15 style rifle and my semi-auto .22 long rifle other than the size of the cartridge case and amount of propellant.
Seriously??? Clearly, you don’t know shit. And whatever braindead NCO taught you it was a ‘clip’ should have been removed from weapons training. The last US weapon that used a clip was the M-1 Garand.
Nope. Stands for Armalite, the original patent and trademark holder.
Toomey recognizes what most commenters do not: The popularity of AR style rifles clearly places them in the “commonly used” category under Heller...and protected under the 2nd Amendment.
Probably true.
Didn’t work for Gannet, did ya...
(Laughing hysterically) Good Luck with That!
Simple reality is a ban on “assault weapons” is almost certain to be overturned by the Supreme Court, based on Heller. Kennedy got some language about exceptions inserted into Scalia’s opinion - but he’s been replaced by Kavanaugh, who has made it clear that he considers semi-autos of any type to fall under the…
Yeah, I have an idiot boss who’s all upset about Beto’s language... despite using much more more often himself.
I have ‘computer’ bifocals - regular prescription eyeglasses that have the distance focus set for about the distance to my screen. And my insurance includes regular anti scratch and anti glare coatings - and typically I spend about $50 out of pocket for my one pair a year coverage.
I’ve been getting paid to write for almost 4 decades now - and that is probably the ONLY reason I’ve gone to a thesaurus. Still keep a hardbound on my desk, too.
I recall my old Nokia ‘candy bar’ having an earphone jack; I used it more than a decade ago to stay in touch while on a two-hour drive home over a medical emergency.
No, they died because everything the US and Allied leadership saw at the time was an alternative bloodbath invasion of the Japanese home islands that would have killed hundreds of thoursands if not millions of Japanese AND Allied service members.
Well..... given it’s Jim Jordan... it COULD have been true.
Nothing about crypto in the pool?