
Another depressing figure is the term “Unnecessary Death Count.” Basically, you take the death figures from all recent years and you figure out how many extra deaths there were in 2020 and 2021. You’ll find that these numbers greatly exceed just Covid deaths.

I mean, how good is the mental health support community in Japan?  My understanding was that it’s rather hard to get help with mental health problems in Japan, or even to have your concerns be recognized.

Mental health is a much more complex issue then just telling people to seek help. If only it were so simple. 

Now playing

I really hope they do the story that Donald Glover’s character pushed. 

I know this story is about Russia but what it really highlights is how even Putin’s Russia is doing more to save lives than the US. Now I understand why the US will never have gun control, people, citizens dying simply doesn’t matter to Americans.

Shame this film and a younger Nathan Fillion didn’t align in timing.

Well he still looks approximately twelve years old.

At least those cultist won’t be able to carry her away anymore armor or not.

Consider this statement: “What I do with my body is my business,” Werner added.

The logic of “I’m willing in an emergency to take a bullet for my fellow citizens, but I won’t take an injection” just boggles.

It’s cute how they see themselves as heroes rather than gigantic piss babies. That photo on the capitol building is too precious.

Here’s an idea, cancel Columbus day and replace it with Scandinavia day, where you celebrate Scandinavian things like paid paternity and maternity leave, universal healthcare, 5 week paid vacation, subsidized childcare, free university and vikings!

Which 8-year-old girls in your world are primarily attracted to a boy’s “fierceness” or strength? Have you ever met a girl?

Why do these robot advancement stories always have to say something about them being “terrifying”? Are people seriously worried about a robot uprising? Is it meant to be funny?

I’m not downing anyone who doesn’t want to vaccinate.”

Except for this part - absolutely down people who don’t want to vaccinate.  They should be downed and downed and downed until they either relent and get it, or Covid makes the point moot for them.

Guess this proves that she’s a decent actor, as she’s clearly nowhere near as smart a person as the character she plays.

Seriously, why don’t they just recast her? And FFS, get vaccinated, everyone.

I’d highly recommend reading the article linked in this one. It’s a bit more thorough. This article is just a fucking hit piece that cherry picks the absolute worst takes on the whole situation.

Allow it.