
This video is clever.

For me, it’s that nobody makes that kind of RPG anymore— third person, action-driven, character-full, story-based, full of NPCs you really care about and starring a character you design and can make choices for that at least give you the feeling of it being *your* version of the story. No loot boxes, no grinding for

I’m feeling the same way, I think part of my excitement is this comfortable feeling of ‘home’ the ME trilogy has, that and to see how well the original fares with the upgrades and gameplay changes.

I’m way more excited about Mass Effect than I should be...maybe we don’t get enough good Sci-Fi RPGs?

They had me at Carla Gugino....

No mention of Aunt Pol from Peaky Blinders? Shame on you.

Just do things differently this year by pre recording the acceptance speeches at the quality they want.

The writing on Crisis was horrible. People stood around in control rooms and made speeches about how entire versions of Earth were being 70% - no, now up to 80% - evacuated on spaceships. Excuse me? 7.5 billion people, loaded onto spaceships, in a matter of hours? What?

Yeah, my lifelong love for her ended with this show. I still wander into these articles shuffling my feet, wandering out with a blank stare.

Wow. I totally love Drew Barrymore, but watching these two clips has convinced me to not watch her show, because it looks like it might stop me from loving Drew Barrymore.

IIRC, they were considering the elf woman from Awakening for the same narrative role that Anders ended up taking in DA2. I think that would have probably worked better. As is the shift in personality between Awakening Anders and DA2 Anders makes him feel like a completely different character.

This is weird. On one hand I do find modern cancel culture to be excessive and overreactive. And on the other hand racist jokes are shitty and unnecessary. But on the third unexpected why the fuck do I have three hands hand, who the dick wrote that line and thought “huh huh...I made a funny”?

Bioware has lacked that leadership the moment the Doctors left.  Trust me, Hudson was never that guy and I honestly believe Bioware is actually better off without him.

I don’t think people go to video game romances, generally, to simulate deep, nuanced love. They go to get more characterization for their favorite characters, to see cute/funny/heartwarming scenes, and to simply have fun.

When oh when are any of these motherfuckers going to go to jail???? They’re openly doing this shit because there are zero consequences.

That’s why I switched to Google TV with Chromecast (terrible name but better overall than Roku).

In early March my son contracted it from another kid who then transmitted it to my wife (I came out unscathed). Doctors told us my wife didn’t have it because her symptoms didn’t match that of COVID and to not worry about it, she wasn’t contagious. Fast forward months later when we finally have a list of common

The fact that 277,000 dead Americans later we are still struggling to convince people that COVID is “real” depresses the shit out of me.

The implication that he had it coming for having an addiction is also pretty gross.