
In a caucus call this week, prominent Democrats blamed progressive messaging on their losses, “don’t say socialism, ever,” they said; we’re not going to win if we “run on Medicare for All, defund the police.”

And he stated he’s never even voted in a single election before. So it’s someone with no skin in the game, no interest in the sport, signing up to play because they think they can win by being special?

Not mine, but I thought this was pretty nifty

Yes. There is ton of comedies about Second World War. It is a coping mechanism.

300,000 dead and people still want to vote for Trump.

I liked The People Under the Stairs but I’ve always had this slightly left field wish that the world under the stairs was more elaborate and mystical, like an indigenous flavored, underground Middle Earth. When your protagonist is named Fool, its seems obvious that he should go on character building quests. 

If the Democrats grab the WH and both congressional houses, we need to get rid of the Electoral system, plain and simple.

Think of all the opportunities for human advancement wasted or lost because ding-dongs found skin color or lady parts problematic.

I still do

I did not expect to love Hippolyta’s character arc so much, but she went from incredibly smart, doting mother and housewife to blue haired afrofuturist timelord warlord motherboard. She went from “Oh I don’t know about all that.” to “I will rip open a hole in time and space with my mind and sheer force of will so yall

We found out she had the power to cure Dee outright, but chose not to to further her own ends. Christina was willing to let Dee die - Dee, newly empowered and under more stress than any child should bear, broke and took out Christina. I suspect S2 will follow a bit of what happens to a traumatized child with newfound

Lol, when used correctly, that pic will never not make me laugh hard. Well done.

After everything Diana’s been through, I’m not really surprised she snapped (no pun intended). Her father was murdered, one of her best friends was murdered, her cousin was murdered, and she was irrevocably cursed — all by white people. Christina murdered Atticus, so I think Diana killing her was more than justified

Wooooo! Fierce Japanese women represent!

I am surprised that CPM is so down on the show. LC definitely has flaws — I agree that the show’s rapid pace and (over)abundance of narrative threads can sacrifice character development and create unresolved,  plot inconsistencies. But overall its been inventive, viscerally entertaining and thematically substantive.

Were we watching the same show?

Just wait for the good write up on the Root, at least they take time to dig deep instead of paying half attention and submitting some bullshit by their deadline.

I don’t know. This review seems sort of off to me, kind of like were we even watching the same episode.

This was a pretty bad take. 

This episode was powerful and moving. Much like the entire show. Montrose in 1921 was equally moving and fucking traumatic. Is it perfect? No. But what the hell is? I am grateful we get to see something like this on TV.