
and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

I wouldn’t go blaming streaming and Netflix for the failure of independent theaters and the struggles even the chains are having. Those problems have been on going for longer than streaming has been a thing. Fuck it was a major topic back when I was in college and Netflix had just launched as the DVD by mail service.


I am nine years out and my chemo brain is still here. My taste is better but I still have trouble using silverware or metal tumblers. The metal taste is there occasionally. I still have trouble concentrating. I remember how I was before and it is frustrating. I am happy I survived but I miss the sharpness I used to

I’ve been going to several doctors for my brain fog, and all of them say “it could be [disease A] or [disease B] — you have low levels of certain hormones, and we could treat that — but you’re fat, so that has to be the only possible reason for everything wrong with you.”

It can be hard to explain it to people some days as I can do enough things “normally” so looks like no problem, but knowing how my brain worked before versus after chemo(had 17 rounds and got 5 different agents in high doses so it f***ed me up good) it is very noticeable to me and people close to me. The biggest

A non-clinical cause might be disengagement from day-to-day life. Ask me about what I had for breakfast of what I saw on the walk home from work last night, and I’m pretty vague. Ask me about adaptive radiation or evolutionary allometry and you can’t shut me up - totally focussed.

Here’s Dr. David B. Corry, a professor of medicine-immunology, allergy, and rheumatology at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, and final author of a new study which appears in the journal Nature Communications, adding to the existing body of knowledge about C. albicans.

Thanks for this! I have brain fog from an invisible illness (fibromyalgia and arthritis), and it is so embarrassing at work! I have to take notes constantly to try to keep up.

There are at most 10 superhero movies a year. That way less than the number of horror movies or romantic comedies a year, yet you never see people complaining about being exhausted by these genre.

I think maybe you don’t understand exactly why they are appealing.

OK, boomer.

I’m pretty sure there will be movies from other studios as well.

This list seemed to confuse the word ‘best’ with ‘socially significant’

Still one of my fave DW scenes ever.

Man, people really want to shit on this game. I, for one, am a 34 year old man who can’t wait to play this and go on a new adventure with new pokemon to catch and doesn’t give a single shit whether I can use the same team I’ve been using since 1998.

Allright, metabags, y’all chumps are writing “Urdnot Wrex” wrong.

One word.....Grunt!

It’s a bit odd. I’m a lady Shepard, but Garrus was my brother I never had, never saw him as anything else. He’d always have my back, and I’d look after his. I stuck with Liara as my partner, ever since Kaidan got all depressed over my suggestion of a three way. Also, she got those sweet connections. Mordin, though, bro

A little mood music for the thread: