
Halloween Was Two Days Ago But I Can’t Stop Thinking About Cardi B as Poison Ivy

Yes,they seem inept,but they’ve got MOXIE. They got an almost unfilmable book series,that isn’t even FINISHED yet to millions of adoring , and unknowing fans.

did you miss that time that she wore the jacket with the phrase on it “I Really don’t care, do you?” when she was headed off to the children’s separation facility? yeah - she is as overtly callous as he is.

Y’know, I was having a very good day, until I read this.


Solid post. I think you probably could have cut a sentence or so out. (Probably choose between “Beating a dead horse by the end...” and “A good chunk of the beginning...”) You also don’t need the ‘imo’. The reader knows it’s your opinion.

That would have been entertaining !

But who’s going to wash the dishes on the Waverider now? Who’s going to keep track of who does the chores?!?

I’m more interested in him being in jail and not being anywhere near another woman than a video of him being told is “freddy krueger”.

Also forgot to mention that is not Courtney Ford (Routh’s wife) in that picture. That’s Tala Ashe who played Zari (Isis).

From what I understand Routh didn’t want to leave. His character was one of the best parts of the show and it was fun having him act opposite his wife, who would have made a great Lois Lane if someone would ever bring his version of Superman back..

It speaks to a cycle of abuse. The reason these coaches probably looked the other way because they were victimized by that growing up. Coming down on these kids for inflicting the same victimization that the coaches experienced would cause them to process their trauma.

Shush, kid. The adults are talking about stuff.

hahahahaha okay. Hopefully we can all evolve to your higher understanding someday. In the meantime, I’ll just be enjoying my life and having fun with games. 

You sound like a narcissistic, naive and immature 12 year old....or a hopelessly socially ill equipped nerd..for your sake I hope its the least you can grow out of it then

This kind of shit happens ALL over, there’s been a massive generational failure in terms of protecting athletes from coaches, medical staff, each other... Penn State wasn’t an anomaly, it was the norm. Nasser wasn’t an anomaly, he was the norm. This incident isn’t an anomaly, it’s the norm.