
he’s also actually a ninja

I’ve been perplexed about the storage thing too, but I think it’s for further in the game, for when you actually have at least 10?/20? things in the inventory (not equipped). I don’t have any storage at all and all my outfits are assigned to dwellers as well.

Yes! I’m so glad FE survived in the US!

Yes! I want this!

Are you getting married? If so, congrats! I say “both” as well.

Hear, hear!

I agree. Thanks for sharing this. I was curious what was going on, having seen Annalee writing for Giz. I wouldn’t like being merged with Giz, but I often don’t like the decisions on Gawker sites. I read io9, Kotaku, Gawker, and Jezebel. Maybe Giz doesn’t have a lot of regular readers.

Yess! Do it! Burninating the countryside!


Thanks! It’s cool. Keep up the good fight.

I’m not surprised it more often resembles an Agent Carter episode, but it’s good to see there’s no malice. And yeah yeah, you’re not special (self-deprecation in geeks is my favorite), but the little things are just as helpful as the big. Hell, I can barely dress myself anymore. So here, keep my thank you, from a sick

Good idea. And bigtime abracadabra sounds great. That’s what we want to see.

Daenerys is only saved thanks to a bit of a deus ex machina: her one unchained dragon, Drogon, shows up and burninates a bunch of the Sons of the Harpy.

Wow, I’m always saying to my husband how grateful I am that there are young women and/or healthy women who fight for the things I can’t do much fighting for anymore. Too sick to be able to, but am I ever thankful for people like you.

Oh gahd, I know. I was just reading, about a year ago, that women haven’t been considered in testing all kinds of things, like ever. It’s so shitty. I hope they take your input into account, in the future, for the thing you tested.

Ha! It’s true. Berubari?

We, in my home, tried watching the first episode and were a bit bored with the pacing. Do you think it’s worth giving another go? There are so many good shows and not enough time.

I know that feel. I love Jodelle Ferland, but yeah, that “feeling old” strikes without warning sometimes.

Wow, I would have thought this would already be there. Kind of not surprised. Haven’t had to worry about it, personally, for a while, but am sure as shit glad it’s there for my fellow ladies.

That’s a good question. I’m guessing because English (and Japanese, because someone else mentioned them) are extremely wound tight about social rules and politeness. I am the child of a conservative English person and a conservative Japanese person. It is wound tight-polite-city over their house. Blech!