
I think they’ve been written that way, so in their mind that’s a rule she would pick up from a movie, but not realize it only applies to those outside of their kind of suburbs. Poor people can’t buy cars inconspicuously, which is who that rule applies to. But that’s also why they have this movie-like view of how to

Did you pledge to the Bloodstained Kickstarter? Are Medusa Head’s annoying?

It’s so cute that Ganondorf pets his dog regularly!

I’m feeling that way too. I wish he would go back to making songs. Those were amazing and he’s so good at it. These probably take up less time, but still, the music videos were just so much better.

It reminds me of all those times there is a great female character, with dorkiness or depth etc., and then she is turned into just “sexy” or “hot,” ignoring or pushing to the sidelines everything that made her her, everything that made her liked to begin with. Like Harley Quinn, as one of many examples. It’s weird

Same here. Am fluctuating between despair and insanity.

So, does the bee one set off people’s trypophobia? I don’t have it, I’m just curious.

Awesome! I was hoping we were misunderstanding exactly what he was saying. It’s hard to put all that into an interview setting. I’m glad he gave such a thoughtful response and love hearing him talk about Spaced (my favorite of his).

Same! It’s been at least ten years for me. I might just be the most happily un-photographed woman. At least in NYC. :P

It’s awfully telling, isn’t it. My mother always asked her doctors , when given a choice, what they would choose if it were their family member. It sounds like a good tactic. I should be using it myself, since I have ample opportunity to, but I forgot until you mentioned it. Thanks for the reminder.

I agree with this. When it’s used in a manner that is clearly trying to turn some of the audience on, I find it repulsive and see it as being used irresponsibly. But the Sansa scene wasn’t done that way and I find the GoT people to be very sensitive and responsible in the way they deal with these subjects. I find

Yeah, I’m hoping the next time they pick a line-up, they don’t pick PA. No one seems into it anymore, and like you say, anyone who does like it are probably following it already. I doubt they’re getting new fans, just managing to hold on to some die-hards. Meanwhile, they’re losing old fans pretty consistently, from

Nice! Mine’s “Pain Scale 11.”

Yeah, not into the whole pop thing, but this... this was fun.

It’s not just you. Someone says this every week. I certainly think it every week.

Steve is the best!

Ha! I love the “tsk tsk” guy next to them. “Now now, don’t just give up on not being a hat.”

Learn about soccer’s origin here. Or don’t. Your call.