
I miss my babies too. Someone, make them live longer, please! They are the best pets.

It's an interesting topic, but it doesn't look like she actually answered any of the questions this person asked.

But they did. Is that the joke?

Right? I picture him going, "Oh, DC, no I was thinking of DC. Woops. Oh well, I haven't seen any of the Marvels, so it probably applies there too."

That is sad.

Cullen has something to say before you become a Templar. I haven't picked yet, so I don't know about after. He's a bit against it, considering his experiences, but understands the interest.

Ooh, that's fun. Would have loved freaking myself out with that when I was young.

But this is a Singapore-Cambodia co-production, as it says in the article.

Same here. All my mind emotions were saying "barf" in unison due to the gender stereotyping. I'm not going anywhere near this movie.

Or... be completely boring in it's general direction.

Oh, so it CAN work! That's good to know. Thanks for sharing it.

Ha! That's funny. I was skeptical, because all the pictures use a stuffed squirrel.

Aw man, I'm gonna have to watch that toe-head? Everything we (my household) have seen him in, we spend most of the time going, "go away, toe-head," or something like that. Goddammit! Go away, toe-head!!!

Same. His recent coining of the term "gamergate" has made it much harder for me to enjoy Jayne.

I hated Torchwood, but that gif, well, I do not hate that gif.

It looks like the game console in Mass Effect. I looked for a pic, but couldn't find one where you could see it clearly.

This comes down to religion. I'm willing to bet this man is a christian. A lot of christians believe science is full of liars because "the evolution thing they believe is a lie, because the bible tells me so," so we get this kind of situation now where everything science related is questionable to them... hehe except

She looks great! I don't remember that hair. Are there different hairstyles between races?

Why are the most informative posts always in the grays? Ugh! Your post is very helpful and shouldn't be in pending.