
That's really interesting. I wish someone would ungray your comment.

I don't agree with the need for the article to have changed their wording, but I can relate in that, as I was watching, I wanted desperately for them to show the option of passing up the yellow dot (at the end) and how that darkness is much worse (when in that position). They covered the one choice, but failed to show

Agreed. She looks easily 40. Popular perception of aging is so weird to me.

Had the same problem at first, but then noticed the boxes at the top. Clicking the next empty box should get you through. Still some really bad web design.

Wow, that's awesome. And that hoodie's much nicer than my N7 hoodie. I want it!

Why couldn't he keep going in the "Punch Drunk Love" direction?

"Turkey for me and turkey for you, I like to eat turkey in a big brown shoe." It all comes full circle.

When I was in Elementary School-5th grade, in the 80s & the US, one of the boys wore a skirt to school in protest of the fact that during the hotter months no one was allowed to wear shorts, but the girls could wear skirts. He was a hero to everybody (seriously everyone thought he was the coolest for doing that) and

I had the same thought. Serious missed opportunity!

Thank you so much for bringing this into my life.

I don't know why it's so common to see Bran's story as boring. Skeletons vs fireballs? There is nothing boring about that. That's exactly where my happy place is. Bliss, I tell you.

That gif is amazeballs!

Akh, I don't know if I can deal with it. I love Blomkamp's work and this looks good, but I get so emotional about robots, it's weird. I feel nothing when I see an innocent child, but make it a robot and I'm too teary for words. I'm almost scared to watch this.

Wow, that's really interesting. I didn't know that. Thanks.

The locals take them down to use as fishing nets? They're that strong?

My favorite vampires!

Neat! Thanks for answering my curiosity.

You could nick guys that say, "Bitches leave!"

So, were you hired freelance by Netflix? Is that how it works? And did someone do the editing after you worked on the sound or the other way around?