
Hey, nice job! During it, I was consciously enjoying the sound.

Potatoes! Not really, but come on, Potatoes.

Oh really? Trick it is.

This drove me nuts too. I guess Esther doesn't know any ASL or she wouldn't have chosen that "not sign language picture."

Oh, I didn't realize that. Thanks. Sorry about all this.

Huh, I was under the impression someone not in the greys just had to follow anyone in the greys, to get them out. Did they change it?

I guess not. I know it's unseemly to ask, I've just waited patiently past every star from Annalee, from Charlie, from guest authors, and am not sure how else to get out of the greys, at this point, beyond begging. Sorry about that. :P

I don't know, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't get squicked unless it's clear there has been purposeful removal of the eyebrows. The thought of smears on pillows under an eyebrowless face creeps into my mind every time. <shudder>

Talk about "front butt."

Oh man, my mannequins were glitched in my game, so they already freaked me out. But this, ahhhhhkh.

Ughlghkhgh, the eyebrows thing really bothers me too.

That was pretty fun, but Leatherface has a much higher pitched voice than that. His voice is actually quite cute. Couldn't find a video, unfortunately.

Yeah, every time that guy looped into view I heard in my head, "Hello!"

That first one's adorable.

Eat the FOOD!

Yay, I'm famous!

That was my thought too, "No one looks like that!"

Well the whole top is clearly magic to begin with, so I guess the answer is that it's magic.

I can understand seeing it that way (w/the tech-challenged female boss thing), but I thought they actually subtly showed Jen as a similar outcast over time. She's A version of a female geek. One that tries really hard to appear "normal," but really isn't at all. And as the show progresses, she lets down some of that

There are trainers that use the same character model as the Ghost Girl and that's one of them. Confusing, I know.