RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

A lesson on self control from a person who's online avatar is named "DickWeenie".....

BTW not every over eater is fat. My partner is 6'2 153lbs and eats like the kitchen is about to close.

Best engine ever.

The first season had some issues.

truth is no phone has been compelling. the smartphone wars are over. they're all as boring as each other now. buying a smartphone is like buying a kitchen appliance. they all do the same things with little differences between them. and what differences there are, are often useless or borderline ridiculous ("scroll

I switched to android last week after several years of IOS. Gotta tell you, the difference has been totally... overhyped.

Stupid UCP doesn't even blend in in airports.

Ashley, this is like, just, I mean—OK, put it like this: Imagine your grandfather (or if you do not especially like either grandfather, someone else's—Peter Falk in The Princess Bride, maybe). This grandfather has lived a fabulous life, full and happy, with all love you could ever want. He had a strong marriage with a

I thought about using that guy, but...he didn't seem like the Audi type :)

Takes one to know one!



"Your opinions aren't facts. Try again."


-> Pretty much anything that involves Driving, that is the primary goal of every non-car enthusiast. =/

I remember reading an article in a magazine (back in the day, on actual printed paper) about the release of a new Corvette. I don't remember which model it was, but the author got a pre-release model to hoon about in. One of the stops they made on this tour was the Hennessey shop. One of the engineers came out, put a

Before you crap all over ncasolowork2, think back a little ways. Because believe it or not, there was once a time when you didn't know what a header was, either. What'd you do then? Did you ask somebody what it was and try to increase your knowledge? Did you go the 'fake it 'til you make it' approach and try to bluff

I'm not trolling... I'm part of Generation X. The generation that grew up with video games and electronic toys. I can build a computer and identify almost everything on a motherboard without any sort of a setup guide. I can overclock a CPU and in the virtual world I will almost certainly kick your ass on a virtual

Now playing

For complexity, rebuild the rear end from an old Jaaag... Skip to 2:57 for an exploded, preassembly view.

That "someone" is me and my friends. Glad you guys like it :)

That is simply freakin' amazing to me. I know I'm older than some of the guys that post here regularly but back in the 90's I bought a first gen Viper right after they came out and it had FOUR HUNDRED HORSEPOWER! EEEEK!!! HIDE UR WOMENZ AND CHILDRENZ!!! INSANITY! STOP THE MADNESS!!!