RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

So much manufactured drama from you guys...honestly, at its best it was better than TG USA at its’s like you want it to fail. I’m hoping for two highly produced series of automotive entertainment.

Bollocks, look at traction control and abs systems, improvements in lighting, improvements in safety gear...motorcycling is also benefitting from improvements in technology.

For Colorado, if you included the population of riders (from Wolfram alpha), it works out to two tenths of one percent...that you’ll die, or be injured...those are pretty good odds. They’ll get ‘even worse’ as we transition to self driving vehicles.

Had an 89 Turbo II. I COMPLETELY agree. (And you could pushstart it in second gear and just keep pushing against the compression until it cleared itself out.)

You should research that...perhaps you’ll learn something interesting. (Do you think they would if they could?)

In what world does racing Formula V constitute “a little more than $1500”?

Not only that, but it's a V8, with a non-electric cooling fan, a torque converter, and a big old school air-cleaner...what motors look like this anymore? (Yeah, I know, Floppy Disks mean Save)

What would they use? Pipe dope?

You seem to be confusing me with someone who still races. (and has something to prove).

I own an 89 C4 Convertible (noodly as all get out) and a 98 C5. They are both now, far from stock...but I drove them for a very long time, stock. The C4 coupe with Z-51 was the first mass-produced sportscar capable of cresting 150mph and turning more than a G on the skidpad.

Except for that 150mph top speed and 1.0+g cornering.

Who cross-shops Vipers and Fiat 500's?

Down this path lies neurosis.

Not at all, I'm implying crass consumerism is an addictive drug.

I've also found, paradoxically, that we ate better when money is tight. Less liquor, less eating out, make a good meal the night before to have leftovers for lunch the next day...

Or, you know, work to bring your life satisfaction in ways other than spending money.

Nice Underbody ÆRO

This is how complicated it is to take a wheel off of a Porsche 959. There's a security lock (don't lose that key!) then you need a special torque multiplying tool that keys into the wheel. Good luck hoping your local tire shop has one of those on hand. Also, the wheels have a different bead profile than every other

I love the internet.

If you're gonna drive like an ass, have 360 degree knowledge of where you're doing it. Have fun, when you can, then slow the fuck down and drive like normal people.