RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

Call me a wet blanket, but being admonished for futzing around with a HIGH AMPERAGE charge port is probably standard proceedure.

I 'aquired' Autocad 2.12 on floppy for my XT. Took two floppies and 32 seconds to load. Got a 32 meg MFM hard Disk for my graduation present. It loaded Autocad in _6_ seconds!

Carbon Brakes. Sure, they're a lifetime part, but they cost more than the average plebe's economy car.

If I'm gonna drop $4500 on a set of wheels....uh...I'd never drop $4500 on a set of wheels.

Because economics has NOTHING to do with this kind of obsession. The obsession is the bringing into being something that DID NOT EXIST before your brain and hands got to work on it. You mention the 'real lambo engine'...where's the dividing line? It's got real lambo parts where alternatives couldn't be easily sourced.

Dude that SUCKS. I'm watchign the video thinking 'This guys got it pretty well together, smooth, not overdriving the car or track, how did he...oh.'

they go round and round.

Yes, but in an odd turn of fate, it'd be one of 3 or 4 other gas burning vehicles in the stable, so it's not like I'd be giving anything up. I just like the idea of it, and if buying one pushes things forward, so be it.

Because what it brought to the table was oddly gimped. The laptop/keyboard gave to access to a VM, so there's the overhead, context switch, oddity of a device that looks one way as a phone, and another way as a laptop...

Just like object oriented programming, it'll find it's own level. Will it replace EVERYTHING? Nah...will it replace the custom phone case industry? Quite a bit more likely.

Then you just make the space back. Zen commuting. In a journey of a million miles, NOTHING should get you worked up.


And people with day jobs.

Start at the top-front, remove and label everything, work your way down and back. When you reach the driveshaft, stop. Pull. Make a not of the wires and hoses you forgot and will have to replace because they're not strong enough to lift the car from.

Because there were LOTS of Youtube Videos of WRXs lunching their drivelines and none of the STi. (At the time. I haven't kept up with current events.)

Shaking also aerates gin, which removes a lot of the things that separate gin from vodka. Shake vodka...stir gin.

What I don't get is: LiPo batteries keep a charge for a VERY LONG TIME if there's no drain on the system. Why didn't they have a 5% Breaker that would PREVENT this kind of situation from happening in the first place? Creating a situation where the average owner could completely destroy the product is Very Bad Form.

In the deep deep forest, on the darkest darkest night, you may listen, and you will hear the shriek of the Nichtbanshee as it prowls for lost souls, paying it's debt to the Devil. It does not sound like this. This is but a tribute.

It had been 'modded'...that scared off a LOT of people.

Depreciation is a bitch. If a car can't survive a little abuse, I don't wanna own it. The STi I bought ($20k used instead of $35k new at the time) HAD been raced. I saw the video of it. But the owner struck me as someone who USED his car, not ABUSED it.