RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

@cfn101788: Mine match my 40 year old Starrett vernier

@izzor: Not yet, but heck, the Tesla's got 6800 AA-ish sized batteries.

@izzor: Which means it feeds the Supercapacitor, which in turn feeds the electric motors in each wheel!

@RocketSled: FWIW, anyone interested in a flower car should bookmark this:

damn hamsters!

@rawtoast: We could have a whole article on the Vettes killed for entertainment's sake.

Gah...not a single Hearse in the bunch! _I'll_ be trying to chemically halt the rust process on the framerails on mine.

Lucky squid!

Whatever it is, it's gonna have to hit 880 know, because moar is cooler, or something.

@nutbastard: I had a 70 Olds Cutlass made of similar steel. Dad backed the truck up on one quarterpanel, had the truck all the way off the ground. Damage to the Olds was relatively minor. A grapefruit sized ding right at the quarter and some missing paint.

The Impala goes Front Wheel Drive

@$kaycog: Is it wrong I look at your COTD pics for the cars? (Or in this case, bike?)

Just a dab of oppo. Funny thing is, Sabine was probably driving at 8/10ths