RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

@Pessimippopotamus: Funny thing is, for all the raping the PT Cruiser gets, it was a better PT cruiser than the HHR was. We borrowed one on an extended test drive and the takeaway was "If I'd never driven a PT cruiser, this wouldn't be half bad."

@thepragmatic: And then a TopGearChannel! All Top Gear All the Time! Then it'll go all SyFy on us showing nothing but Brady Bunch and Amazing Race re-runs

@Pessimippopotamus: My problem is, I'm clutching, ABS and TCS is off, and all the kiddies have all the crap turned on.

He's not the first.

It looks like she soiled herself. And it filled the knees of her jumper. (Testament to the Audi's brakes, perhaps, but I don't see it making it into a commercial)

OR perhaps, maybe it's not the high-strung rally-car, it's that HE'S GOING REALLY FRIGGIN FAST IN SNOT!

@D1G1T: Jeebus Christ, I've got (or had) FOUR of the cars listed on this thread. (feels back of neck) mullet!

It really is too bad that lady couldn't afford jackstands. I hope that car didn't squish her too hard. :(

@Danimal: Manufactured by Mercury Marine

@OA 5599: I wish I had such resistance to depreciation.

He bought a Porsche, then a Porsche, then more Porsche, then the mostest 2010 Porsche you can get...WHICH HE STILL HAS!

It took a bit for me to warm up to my White, Shaved STi (with WRX spoiler) kinda looks like a rental car. I determined that's not a bad thing.

He's the smartest guy there...where's that car gonna go when he runs out of brakes or traction? (hint: not to the inside!)

pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease,ohGod,pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease Don'tSuck.

Hash Pipe or Crack Pipe?

@wheatieboy: Stable 6, open left, do not cut.