RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

Concept Cars = Automotive Lapdance


89 Beatervette 175

@Matt White: I'll get right on that....osteoporosis and gravity being what they are.

@Z06Bear: Yeah man, that'd be pretty cool.

I AM NOT AN OLD, BALDING, CORVETTE OWNER! Or at least I wasn't when I bought it. :/ It's been 16 years now. The problem with snap judgments is they're so often wrong, or at least incomplete. You might judge my on my shaved, white might also judge me on my 66 Caddy'll ALSO judge me in the

Q: What car makes all 6'5" 270 lbs of me look like I'm driving a Radio Flyer?

So...who's left? You say you like everything on four wheels, but you just spent your whole rant on cars (and owners) that were beneath your contempt.

The first one you see sticks the hardest

@Slowlane: It looks like it already had an encounter with a Randy Orca

@Kuro: If you improve one aspect of a car far beyond the original design envelope, the other aspects need to be addressed too. If you increase power, you must also increase the transmission's abilities, the radiator's abilities, fuel delivery, suspension, and yes, brakes.

@Kuro: You are incorrect. An easy indicator of brake improvement is the speed at which the ABS can still intervene on brake lockup. On my base C4, it was around 45 mph. With SS lines, it went up to 55 or so...with C5 brakes, it was 60 mph. I can tell you, there's a TREMENDOUS improvement. There was no noticable brake

@Serolf Divad: 24 hours is a walk in the park. The REAL proof is the 300,000 mile soccermom test-loop

My psycho ex-fiancee let me drive her (then) 6 year old, abused, slushbox, non-turbo 86 300zx.

@Blitzschnell: correctamundo! About the only thing you can guarantee someone is that they'll be disappointed in their first Dyno results. Dynos abstract out gearing, torque multiplication, ram air injection, aerodynamics, rolling resistance. It's why my measly 300 hp/ 378 ft-lb (wheel) C4 is as fast or faster as it's

Is that car wrapped in bacon?

Double Rainbow. Definitely.

Whadda waste of a fairly rare Hearse model.

@e30 guy: A perfect 5-speed has 6 gears.