
Yes those poor women always vastly underrepresented on cosplay picture compilations.

If only there was a voice for these poor, marginalized females because no one on the internet anywhere every pays attention to a woman who is cosplaying.

Truly this needed to be a women-only gallery. Keep fighting the good fight.

They care more about the cheap applause instead of honoring the character, Gene Roddenberry’s creation. So fuck Takai, fuck Gene, we want to make Sulu gay so if the game flops we can call everyone homophobic. Fuck creating real characters with content, we use minorities to show how progressive we are. Just like they

Oh, so we’re making ridiculous distinctions now? Ok, How about Nick Fury? Funny... I don’t think Sam Jackson looks like this:

Katharine Trendacosta:

So, where was this article when Michael B. Jordan was cast to play Human Torch? Is it only a problem when white actors fill non-white roles?

I think Andretti is right. He’s saying in the history of F-1 there were very few women drivers and not particularly successful. He doesn’t say women can’t be F-1 drivers.

Whiteknight, we got a Whiteknight over here.

I’ve got Quantum Break pre-ordered for Xbox One and PC and pre-installed on Xbox One. I’d like to play the PC version assuming everything runs correctly. The Xbox One version looks pretty soft because of the resolution sacrifices they had to make. They did well with what they had to work with, but I think it showcases

1% of Muslims is millions of people. Stop making it sound like terrorists are the size of a looney church in the mid-west with a congregation of several hundred to couple thousand.

So the religion of peace strikes again
Cue outrage at my comment in-

A god that requires you to blow yourself up to advance his religion is a weak god that should not be followed.

Get your weeb on, weebs.

Now playing

Disclaimer: Not directly related to this particular review, Stephen, just nice video related to reviews of this game in general.

Steam really isnt that great.

Aren’t LIFO and FILO the same thing?

Woke boyfriend?

Guess they should take those flight controls out of the cockpit then huh?

No, reading is hard and comprehension skills are harder, I understand. That’s not what I meant. If some cuck’d guy did that for his daughter and it got an article on Shitaku, where’s it end? Doing what he did is just crazy, it makes no sense. It’s more of this gender politics BS being shoved down kids’ throats. If

I don’t get it. So, what, are all game characters required to be gender neutral now? No more manly warriors like Kratos, no more badass women like Lara Croft, just...genderless copy/paste blanks to be used in all games. All game characters are going to be like that race from that one episode of ST:TNG when Riker had