The B-boy stance is always workable
The B-boy stance is always workable
The story and pacing was better and more contained than KHII and that for me made it the better game.
Yeah I do realise that books and "vidya games" are 2 entirely different entities but the point of metaphors are to provide a thought provoking comparison between two different things or else everyone would just say the exact same thing in any argument.
Ok so you bought a book and the second chapter consisted entirely of pages with just Error 37 on them. The book also has entire characters dialogue missing, and stops 2/3 of the way throught, but the publisher has informed you that in a week you will get a free copy of a fixed version. You wouldn't want to complain…
What the slim can YLOD?
Bro its overpriced beer all day here!
I too first bought it on PS2 and with the just a little off controls that portion was hell!
I was literally about to post about that whole strife thing. One guy leaving does not a floundering company make. Very misleading (although I understand the need to link to old articles).
I really didn't think the writing was better. In my eyes inFamous 2's plot was far weaker , and seemed to put plot holes retroactively in inFamous 1. I also think the pacing was janky (I just bought and finished it recently)
I 100% agree with you, minus the humps on the wings (WTF) I think Articuno is the best fit, the ?head bit is his long flowing tail curled up above the back f his head and tapering down to just under his feet. Part of the actual head spikes can be seen to the right of the mid tail section.
Corporeal John Smith is sitting at home eating A BEAGLE while having breakfast with his wife and daughter
Hmm, I agree with your main premise, but the idea that tentacle porn is new?
In fact in the UK at least you can't even write old age as a cause of death on a death certificate until the person is over 80
Umm not true died of old age at 63
But his review was not "I don't like it because of reasons: 5/10". It was "I don't like it because the controls are absolutely fucking dire and require a stand to make the ground sections even bearable." To me that's a legitimate complaint and something I was personally worried about since they announced the stand, I…
I totally agree that the dark tower ending was good. As King himself said there would be no way to end the series that would be satisfying to all involved but the finish was glorious and the journey even finer ay'uh
Although I agree that the next Xbox will be more powerful than the iPad3 and possibly 4, how about the iPad 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or however many come out before the next next generation consoles.
I'd much rather have this epic version of WW theme
Yes I remember Calling All Cars! As one of my most played local co-op psn games. Man that game was an absolute blast especially when you had four buddies all racing around trying to kill one another in the same room! Please don't ever imply that it wasn't a fun game, content light perhaps but hella fun
I absolutely agree with you. The game was great it just wasn't Portal great.