
@stacquellabe: LOL, I just logged back into my computer to see if it was finished downloading and it has 1 minutes left. What are the odds?

@BornAsGhost: I tell you tomorrow if you should be sad you are missing it. The kids better love it, $180 for two kids and two adults is a bit out of my budget. If I hadn't gotten some overtime lately the kids would be coolin' their heels at home tonight.

@DreamTheEndless: You might have had some good points, but you lost me when you used wiki as a source.

@dagamer34: I've read there is language in the healthcare legislation that allows insurance companies to tie BMI to the cost of an individual's plan. Not quite the same as forcing an exercise plan, but only rich people will be able to afford to be fatties.

@Alfisted: With no toys to play with many kids will turn to a life of crime, possibly stealing from people's fridges to make a statement. The first of these kids will have a fondness for ham. He'll be known as the Ham Burgler.

@The Dead Kennedy: Good point, this legislation could very well backfire. With no toy to play with, the kids will have nothing to do but eat the crappy food.

@JakeMG:Salsa Verde: Personal responsibility. If the kids can't take it for themselves it's up to the parents to take it for them. I don't need local, state or federal government to help me raise my kids.

Hey McDonalds, make the toys out of candy.

@Zinger314: The transfats are strong with this one.

Thanks Giz, this story made me promptly remote into my home computer, fire up Vuze and start this download. You've made me part of the problem. You should know I have no self-control.

I plan to write in Daniel Tosh, please post some stupid/funny stuff from his Twitter account.

@tineras: "And even IF this is a coincidence", LOL! At least you're giving them the benefit of the doubt.

OMG, this map is tracking the races in a alternate US as well!!

@Ashaleeeee: The company I work for is pushing Sharepoint hard but they are implementing very poorly. It has potential, they just aren't doing it right.

@rogger_frogger: If they decide to try this on spiders I'm just gonna go ahead and paint the ceiling with my brains. If I ever saw a monster spider running loose I would probably crap my pants so hard I would turn myself inside-out anyway.

While I agree that Google has a point, I don't really see what they think they will accomplish here. The government is a slow moving beast with a metric ass-ton of procedures, desktop work instructions, standards, etc, etc, etc that are built with the office suite. It would be extremely expensive for them to switch to

@markps: Maybe because at some point they might want some support (other than help files), don't really get that with free software generally.

I really want to say something inspired that deals with the idea of left vs right and really puts it into perspective. But all I can think is GO PROP 19!

@vsound: Anyone who believes that the poor economy and all our current global problems started in 2000 and not much earlier is misinformed at best. Some of the crap policies that led to the housing meltdown started as far back as when Carter was in office. Every president that has been in the oval office since then